What Does Narcissm Mean

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Among different generations in many parts of the world words and phrases have change the way they define. A simple word can bring a different meaning to each person. For example the phrase “Sad” has multiple meanings and definitions that each person defines differently. This is the case of the word Narcissm that through many years this word has had multiple meanings and definitions that not only has made it hard to understand the real meaning of what the word means ,but the way it has been define has also brought strong emotions to many. But what characteristics does a narcisst person have? During the 1980s the first concept of narcissm was define as a person having a strong self-superiority which only cared about themselves. As mentioned in the article “The Narcisst--Give it a rest” politics, democrats, celebrities, and even parents were accused of being narcissts. The author states that a person accusing someone of being a narcisst was like accusing each other and does not understand what the point of that was. …show more content…

In my opinion being a narcisst and having a strong self-confidence in one self is great because it shows that a person is proud and satisfied with who they are. For example, a women can feel confident without wearing makeup and can still walk around the mall feeling beautiful. Today in society many people especially young teenage males and females lack that concept. It is pretty sad seeing young teenage girls and males not accepting themselves because society has a whole new view of the concept of narcissm and expects men and women to act the way society expects them to

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