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Importance of humour in our life
Humor in society
An Essay about the benefits of humour
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Recommended: Importance of humour in our life
Many people wonder what it means to be a human and what differentiates humans from the animal world. While there are many claims out there like emotion, our evolutionary standpoint, or our complex views on subjects like religion and death, I think the answer lies in the complexity of the range of emotions and bodily functions. We often talk about how similar some animals are to us, but never how we are different. The ability to have a sense of morality, unique bodily functions, and have a high level of intellectual and emotional brain capacity are the characteristics that make a person human. First, the ability to have a sense of morality makes a person human. A sense of morality makes us as humans different from the rest of the animal kingdom. While some may think animals have a sense of …show more content…
Humans have several traits unique when compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. For example, the ability to have a sense of humor is a unique attribute to humans. While some animals can laugh, they aren’t responding to something they found funny. To elaborate, “Laughing isn’t a human specific thing, but jokes/humor is. Humor requires more complex functions that other animals don’t seem to possess,”(Van Den Berg Forbes Article). While animals have the emotional capacity to laugh, they do not have the sense of humor we as humans have because it requires more of a brain capacity. This makes humor a unique trait of humans. Furthermore, while other animals have opposable thumbs, such as apes, we are the only species that can bring our thumb to the pinkie finger and ring finger. This is because primitive humans have adapted to the needs they needed such as a good grip strength as well as precision gips like holding a small rock to cut food or other items. To conclude, the ability to possess these unique body characteristics makes a person
Psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists study humor because it is a fundamental culture value, but they still can’t determine why certain things make some people laugh and others not. There are “humor quotient” tests that are designed to measure an individual’s sense of humor, but these tests are questionable. These tests aren’t accurate because almost all humor depends on cultural background knowledge and language skills. Not every person in the whole world, or even in one country share the same background knowledge and skills, therefore they cannot have the same type of humor. “The fact remains that individuals vary in their appreciation of humor” (Rappoport 9). Since humor varies from individual to individual, humor lies in the individual. How successful or funny a joke is depends on how the person receives the joke, humor cannot be measured by a statistical
In order to define personhood, one must first define a human. A Human can be thought about in two different senses, a moral human sense and a genetic human sense. In a moral sense, humans can be thought of as a person who is a member of the moral community. In a genetic sense, humans are merely any physical being categorized as a being in the human species. From this one can conclude that a person is a human in the moral sense. Furthermore, characteristics of a person must be defined in order to differentiate moral beings from genetic humans.
Laughter is a very complex process. We don’t ever think about it, but our bodies can use up to 80 muscles. Meanwhile, body structures and systems of the brain, such as the limbic system are hard at work also. Although it is a rather difficult method, whenever our body produces laughter, it helps us in more ways than just one. It can help us physically by releasing endorphins, lowering the chances of heart attacks, and even our immune system. It can help us both mentally and socially as well, building great relationships and by releasing stress. If the human race did not laugh, more and more people would die of things such as heart disease or even depression. Most people can agree, without laughter, our world would be a much darker place. It’d definitely be an unhealthy society.
There has been a huge debate throughout the years of whether humans are ethical by nature or not. Despite Christian Keyser’s research evidence that humans are ethical by nature, the evidence from the Milgram experiment shows that we are not ethical by nature. Humans learn to be ethical through genetic disposition as well as environmental factors such as culture, socialization, and parenting. In order to understand if we are ethical or not, we need to understand the difference between being moral or ethical. Many people believe that being moral and ethical are the same thing, but these two terms are a bit different. “Morality is primarily about making correct choices, while ethics is about proper reasoning” (Philosopher, web). Morality is more
Humans are funny. We laugh, we love, we cry- but all of this put together culminates into one blanket statement:
Humans are a unique set of species with many defining characteristics. A majority of people when asks what makes you human, would say being able to breathe, talk, bleed, and reproduce....
Humor is a tremendous factor in our daily lives. In the numerous ways we communicate with other people, one of the vital ways is through humor because it helps people get through the hard times, and makes the good times even better. Most of the things people find to be “funny” are based on experiences that have happened to them, others, where they live, and the events happening at the time. When looking at each era, and the humor used in that time, you can see that based on the things happening in that time their sense of humor was different. Humor has existed throughout all of humanity, considering the fact that chimps laugh, just goes to show how long humor has been around. As a result of this, we must look at the philosophy of humor, and
In “Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Connect”, de Waal explains that people form bonds from mimicry. People and animals also form bonds by laughter. So the laughing humans in the first paragraph are like the playful chimps in that they both laugh when others do. That’s where the mimicry of the humans and the chimps plays in. As de Waal explains, “The infectiousness of laughter even works across species”(123). As he also says, “This is why comedy shows on television have
What does it mean to be human? Sure, one must have the usual physical features such as fingers, eyes, arms, hands, feet, etc., but what does it really mean? Must the human be able to speak? To take upon the actions of themselves? Whatever it means, it can be interpreted in any way from anyone. The physical attributes of any human can be compared to those of our evolutionary ancestors. However, it is possible to believe that there are many characteristics that make a human, but only six define the true, ideal human.
and Why, Scott Weems refers to humor as the exercise of keeping the brain engaged. We laugh because the brain likes to jump the gun and we are always guessing where things are going. Laughter is produced when we get it wrong and are surprised. Perhaps this is why some people are so good at making people laugh at insulting humor. They are experts at the surprising.
There have been many theories over the years as to why we laugh. Freud suggested that during laughter, you discharge pent-up psychic energies. In a theory by V.S. Ramachandran, we laugh to alert others in the social group that an anomaly, whatever it is we are laughing at, is inconsequential. For example, if someone falls and is not hurt, we laugh to signal to others that the person is all right. The theories vary greatly, but there are so many attributes to the phenomenon o...
... drawn. What makes us human? Through the examination of human evolution, both biological adaptations and cultural adaptations which are distinct to humans can be recognized. Biologically speaking, humans are unique in that they are bipedal, they have larger brain sizes, and longer leg length. When examining the cultural evolution of humans we have a complex language system, we live in communities, engage in symbolic behavior, and act through emotional impulses. While we are often considered to be superior to all other animals, it is important to recognize that while we are animals, we have very distinct characteristics and adaptations that separate us both biologically and culturally from all other animals.
What makes us human? What is it that we are made up of? I know a human has a body made up of two legs, two arms, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears, but that is not what makes us human. Human beings are made up of feelings, the ability to think, communication, and many other elements. Feelings show the way we feel between each other and is the reason for our survival. The ability to think is so important because just because we can think doesn’t always mean we do think. Communication is essential to human society. These are some of the elements I consider to be the most important of being human. Feelings, is something that makes us humans. Feelings, is one important element that makes us humans because that is how we can relate how others feel and that is the
A sense of humor is a very important quality to have because it gives you a different perspective on things. In life we face many challenges and obstacles; some good, some bad. It is our decision though on how we handle
Humans may be one of the most complex species on this earth thus far. We are the only known species who contemplates their existence so deeply and writes novels worth of work on it. But what exactly does it mean to be a human and how is our humanness defined? For centuries philosophers have written countless works on what they believe makes a person truly humane and how we differentiate between those who are “bad” and those who are “good” humans. In a world that is so subjective and that has so many opinions, routes, and options this may be one of the hardest concepts to define.