What Does It Mean To Be Human Essay

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What does it mean to be human? I am sure that it has different meanings for different people, and it also has different meanings for different cultures? Does being human mean something different in Christians than it does for Muslims? Do we need to prove that we exist in order to answer this question? And, while you are pondering this one, let me explain: I am talking about "I think therefore I am," but is this life "real" or is this life a metaphor for the life that we will all be experiencing after death? If this life therefore is not real, does it matter that we exist and furthermore, does being human have any meaning at all? Are we human because we oftentimes do not practice what we preach? Are we human because we can skillfully put down the thoughts and comments of others? Are we human because we are arrogant or wealthy Are we human because we have faith and hypocritically live out that faith in our daily lives? Are we human because we are racist and have found clever ways to hide why we feel that way? Are we human because we have cheated on our spouses? Are we human because we like to engage in wars all over the globe so that we can prove we are better than others, or stronger... while really wanting to impose our way of life …show more content…

Human beings build a set of morals rules slightly different than the laws of nature. Unlike other animals, humans are not supposed to considered their neighbors as resources or means, but as goals. This is a simple definition of ethics, a characteristic we are not supposed to share with animals following their instinct and directive emotions. However it is the animal inside who help us to feel our humanity. A lot of people confuse being human with being humane. To be human is to have the capacity to wonder. Being human is first of all respecting the other human's right to live without a threat of violence. The moment you take another life or attempt to take another life, not in self-defense, you are no longer

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