What Does Descartes Mean By Thinking Essay

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1- Why is Descartes certain that he exists? Has he proven that anyone else exists?

He thinks he exists because if he doesn’t exit he wouldn’t doubt or thinking about his own existence.
He has no prove of the existence of anyone he thinks and analyze so he exists.

2- Just before concluding that he himself exists, Descartes says this: "I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies." Then he goes on to say that he exists. Has he contradicted himself? In claiming that he exists has he taken something back from his first claim? Or is there a way to reconcile these two claims?
Absolutely, if he exists and nothing else exists how can he exists? is he god? does he create the …show more content…

Problem is that later he claims that he is a thing that has sensory perceptions. He is saying that because since he is a thing that think he could be creating an imaginary world where he can have a body with sense perception. In order to solve it you need to know if what you see is real or not.

6- What does Descartes mean by ‘thinking '? Is this how you understand the term? Can you think of a case that Descartes would consider a case of thinking but you would not? Does dreaming count as a case of thinking? Does being in pain count as a case of thinking? Does listening to music turned all the way up count as a case of thinking? Compare your answer to these questions to Descartes '.

Thinking is just the capability to understand and analyze everything around you and make you capable of taking decisions. Yes, I think he is correct. Since he doesn’t believe on his senses he could consider that you don’t exist, but he exists as a thing that think. Yes, dreaming can count as a case of thinking because it could be the same as creating an imaginary world that you still need to understand. …show more content…

Yes, you must think and wish to listen music before playing a song it could be real or not but it’s part of thinking. Everything that you use to interpret your real world or create your own imaginary world is part of thinking.

7 - What is the point of Descartes ' discussion of the piece of wax? That is, why does he talk about it?
What apparent problem or difficulty or surprising fact is the discussion meant to solve or allay?
The point is that matter can change and all could be your imagination and not necessarily real.
The point of the piece of was is that you can’t be sure of anything because what you think is real about
What you can see could be wrong. Even if you can smell, see the color of things, touch it you can’t be
If it’s your imagination or an illusion. The difficulty is that he cannot be certain about his sense
Perception, and he recognize that he has sensory perception but can’t trust on it

8- At the end of ¶12 Descartes says something absolutely shocking. He says that the perception he has of the wax "is not a case of vision or touch or imagination--nor has it ever been, despite

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