What Did We Learn From The French Revolution

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Individual Reflection

Explain from a Biblical Christian perspective what we can learn from the French Revolution.

During the National Convention, Robespierre did not allow Christianity or Catholicism. He changed the calendars from 7 days to 10 days a week because it represented the 7 days of the Creation; he replaced street names and places that had any religion connotations. He then created a cult called ‘The Cult of Supreme Being’, which was the ‘goddess of reason’. This time period was known as ‘De-Christianization’. As a Christian, I strongly disagree with what he did. According to the Bible, it says that we should not create any gods and replace God. Robespierre made a cult, telling the people to worship it.

I learned that we have to obey God and not turn away from Him by making idols when tempted to. Guillotines were used to kill people for any kinds of minor reasons, which Robespierre did not accept. As a result, a massive number of people died. In the end, Robespierre himself died. I learned that killing …show more content…

From the French Revolution, I learned that everyone is equal. The Third Estate had to pay 97% of the taxes while the other two estates barely had to pay much. This was not fair at all because the Third Estates were the poorest of all three estates but still they had to pay most of the tax. God made us all equal. So everyone deserves to be the same and equal. God also has given us freedom to choose what we want. Some people believed in God, but Robespierre did not give them the freedom to choose their religion. So, I learned that freedom is actually very important. For fraternity, I learned that bonding together is the best thing that could ever happen. During the Tennis Court Oath, the Third Estate joined together and they all pointed to one direction, which was to make the King let them have their equal voting

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