What Are the Benefits of Learning Psychology?

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The way we live depends on interaction with other people as well as on

information we receive from the world. We form relationships, some of

which are very bonded so we fall in love. Under the influence of

environment we produce our behaviours. That is we find the best

solutions for what we reoccupy from others and process information in

our ways. Sometimes it is analytical that is we think logically,

sometimes it is heuristic based on our instincts. The second one may

be misleading, but very often there is no time to think. We are also

able to learn and store information that draws our experience and

prevents from making mistakes later on. Studying psychology-‘science

of behaviour’ can give us some clues which we can use to improve our

existence. Thanks to many researches, observations, and previous

experience we are able to survive and exist. But it has to be bear in

mind that there is no simple pattern for leading a good life. ‘Man is

the master of his own destiny.’

First of all, people have tendency to approach each other or in other

words to attract themselves. Psychology helps us to create positive

evaluations, it is being held in high esteem by other people, shows

how we are familiar to others and what similarities among us are. It

also supplies us with information on psychical appearance. Study

conducted by Geller et al. (1974) showed why appropriate evaluation

exerts powerful effect. A female was asked to join group discussion

with other two women-the confederates of the experiment. Confederates

while talking with subjects treated her normally or showed lack of

attention by neglecting what she was saying. Ignored women sho...

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...s to attract others than unattractive one. Thanks to psychology

we know that human memory consist of many components like sensory,

short or long term memory. We make a use of working memory to retrieve

stored information a put it to action by completing many tasks esp.

cognitive. Finally, people live because of their goals. Everyone has

its ‘mission’ to be accomplished. It cannot be overlooked that it is

not easy to achieve happiness without overcoming many problems.

Psychology will not solve our problems. Instead it helps us to realize

that there are certain types of problems and if we categorise them we

have better chance for success. To sum up, if people think that

‘science of behaviour or mind’ is a key for good life, they will never

become good psychologists or the will not regard psychology as logical


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