What Are The Similarities Between Gilgamesh And The Old Testament

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In comparison between the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament we see that both are very similar. Starting by analysing the big things first. In the Epic of Gilgamesh the gods created Utnapishtim who runs with the animals, this is similar to the biblical character Noah who also was surrounded by animals. Another similarity between the two stories is both Utnapishtim and Noah had been told a flood is coming and human existence will be wiped of the face of the earth. Also, in both stories the sizes of the arks both massive. The arks may not have been the same shape but both of them were bigger in size. These are just the major comparisons with these two stories. In looking at the timeline of when these two stories were written many ask which …show more content…

In the Epic of Gilgamesh Utnapishtim was the person who was chosen to build the arc and have the responsibility of the future where in the Biblical account of the flood narrative Noah was chosen to save part of the Earth that was important to the future. I also found a similarity on how these “heros” were chosen. If you look at the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament both Utnapishtim and Noah were very ethical and worthy of the task. They were both perfect for the task given. The task was given to them because they were known to follow through with any task given to them and do it well. The only difference I could find between Utnapishtim and Noah's character is Utnapishtim complained quite a bit where Noah on the other hand respectfully took the task and never …show more content…

Both arks were big enough to hold many creatures and a few humans. In Utnapishtim’s flood account the arc was in the shape of a cube where in the bible the Arc was in the shape of a rectangular shaped boat. Also the heights of the boats were also interesting. Utnapishtim’s boat was told to be seven stories high. Noah’s boat was only three but it interested me because when you read the biblical flood account it seemed that Noah’s boat held more animals and people than Utnapishtim’s even though Utnapishtim’s had more stories than Noah’s boat. I also found it intriguing how the biblical flood happened because of Underground water and heavy rain which differs from the Epic of Gilgamesh which was said to be caused by just heavy rain. The lengths of the floods were also different amounts of time. “After it rained that 40 days and nights…” (Genesis 7,11-12) Than in The Epic of Gilgamesh “For six days and six nights the winds blew, torrent and tempest and flood overwhelmed the world, tempest and flood raged together like warring hosts.” A similarity between the two flood stories is both flood accounts has the same type of people and animals on them. I also thought it was interesting because both “heros” were given a specific list of people and animals who should be on the ark. Also towards the end of both floods both accounts the boats end up on a high mountain and to see if its safe to come out of the boat both

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