Differences And Similarities Between Gilgamesh And Jesus

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You may think Jesus isn't an epic hero or you may ask how is he an epic hero, but his story is more of an epic than you would think. On the other hand, Gilgamesh has the story and the characteristics of a good old fashion epic hero, that was brave, a strong fighter, and didn't back down for nothing. But Jesus never fought his enemies he fought them with love, and he was one hundred percent god on earth but Gilgamesh was only ⅔ god. Gilgamesh and Jesus have a good amount of differences. And in this essay I will be explaining the differences and similarities between these two godly figures abilities, the purpose of their quest,and what makes them very different from all humans on earth. The abilities of Jesus and Gilgamesh are very different. Mostly because Jesus had the ability to do anything that man could do and not do. But Gilgamesh didn't have that many abilities. The abilities that Gilgamesh had, where to be able to see all over the world, and having godly super strength. One thing that Jesus and Gilgamesh have in common ability wise is nothing. And I think the reason for this is because the gods mad Gilgamesh him some part human. Jesus could do everything except look over the whole world because he could only be in one place at once. The abilities …show more content…

And the purpose of their journeys are no where near close. I have also described how they are both different from all humans on earth and how they are different from each other godly wise. And honestly from my option i think that Jesus would be the better epic hero and a great leader because he teaches you love your enemies and he can lead you in the right path. Also as a hero because no doubt he can protect me from any type of evil because he has the power to take them away or make them into good which to me is a

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