What Are The Similarities Between Andrew Carnegie And John D. Rockefeller

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The production of oil and steel in the late 19th century, gave the United States its start into becoming an industrial power. Andrew Carnegie was responsible for the steel industry, while John D. Rockefeller started the standard oil company. They each conquered the industry they were in and took over their completion. Carnegie and Rockefeller climbed their way to the top and by the end of their run were two of the richest men in the world. Yet, they came from two different backgrounds and were successful in different ways, both men are still considered some of the best businessmen America has ever seen.
Andrew Carnegie was born the year of 1835 in Scotland. When he was still a child his family moved to America. He first started working in …show more content…

Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were two very important assets for the up come of America. Both men went from “rags to riches” in their life time. Also, they had very similar ways of running their company. Carnegie and Rockefeller wanted to take out their competition and that is exactly what they accomplished by ending in a monopoly. These men were Social Darwinists and Philanthropist and were constantly giving back to the U.S. by donating money to build schools, libraries, etc. Both guys started working in a different industry than the one they ended up staying in. They definitely made it to the top though, and both ended up controlling their industry of work. Carnegie and Rockefeller were both political leaders and true givers to their fellow citizens.
Rockefeller and Carnegie were overall great men and did wonders for their country. They worked their way to the top and became some of the richest men of America. Carnegie produced steel while Rockefeller was providing oil to the U.S. The 19th century was ultimately changed by the works of these two men. Both men gave back money to cities and citizens because they were so successful and felt that was the right thing to do. Andrew and John were two different men and gained their wealth uniquely, but they both go down in the books for being amazing

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