What Are The Rhetorical Devices In Quit India Speech

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Marianna Ruvinov
AP Language and Composition
Period: 4
Rhetorical Devices in “Quit India” Speech

In Mahatma Gandhi’s iconic “Quit India” speech, he uses a plethora of rhetorical devices in order to emphasize and develop the credibility of his purpose. The primary purpose in this speech is to inform the general public on the discrimination that India receives by other countries, and to explain the independence that India strives for. Gandhi initiates the building of his credibility by using his own personal experiences as a way to reel his audience into the reality of the Quit India Movement, as well as effectively depict the brutality he faced while there. Similarly, toward the end of his speech, Gandhi’s strive for appealing to the audience through logic was also thoroughly effective. …show more content…

This is found when Gandhi goes on to explain the thoughts he had in prison, and the personal suffering he went through there, as a result of the discrimination. This appeals to the audience ethically, because of the real event that happened. By mentioning his time in prison, people can feel that devastating things have happened consequently to the abuse India has faced from Britain, and that Gandhi was incarcerated for the cause he is fighting so strongly for. When the audience hears of the atrocity that many people faced just for standing up for what they so strongly believed in, that would result in a convinced audience, due to them knowing about the harsh reality of the Quit India

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