Pros And Cons Of Levees

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Levees, dams, and urbanization can all protect people from the dangerous impacts of flooding, however, they can also increase the impacts that floods can have in such areas. Levees are used to protect property or to create usable land. Many cities are protected by levees such as New Orleans and St. Louis. However, because a levee is usually narrow it can restrict the volume of water within its channel, thus flooding can occur up-stream. For example, if it rains a lot up-stream from the levee the increased volume of water will be restricted when it flows into the narrow channel of the levee. This will cause the river to back-up into upstream areas. Therefore levees may protect against flooding within the area that it is belt, but it can increase …show more content…

The value of what I learned is that now I know the signs for floods, where flooding occurs, and where not to buy a house. Unlike the previous natural hazards we learned about, flood indicators are not as obvious. There is also a delay from when a flood occurs from when it rains. Thus, the signs for floods are often not seen or are experienced quite a bit before the actual flood occurs. For these reasons, it is sometimes hard for an untrained individual to know where not to buy a house and what the best mitigation measures are. This class has taught me about the risks and indicators for floods thus I am better able to asses the risk for flooding. I would like to learn more about the pros and cons of flood mitigation techniques. I want to know what technique (dam, levee, and etc.) are the most effective in flood mitigation. I can do this by doing research on the internet about the effectiveness of various techniques. Our text sated that dams are not built as regularly as in the past but I can even go deeper within the subject. My date responded positively to our discussion. She was interested in what I had to say about flood mitigation because her family lives in Washington and has experienced some minor flooding. We had no disagreements during our discussion. My date talked about how landscapes can adapt to the weather conditions that they are subjected to. In other words, wetter climates require more rain then desert climate to cause flooding because the wetter climates have adapted to flooding while the desert climates have not. She stated that where she lives in Washington has most likely adapted itself to flooding, because if the desert experiences the amount of rain her hometown experiences flooding would occur. Similar to how organisms adapt over millions of years to be better equipped to survive within their environment, landscapes also adapt to be better equipped to

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