What Are The Political Factors Responsible To The Collapse Of The Soviet Union

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The Fall of The Soviet Union
During 1950-1991 The Soviet Union was considered one of the most powerful countries in the world. Known during this time for its enormous military and the overtaking and enforcing total communist ruler over all the eastern block European countries.The conquering of these countries gained the Soviet Union useful resources such as oil, food, minerals,goods,and land which during this time was very useful to the Soviet Union. Even with all of these advantages the Soviet Union had several internal problems such as severe famine , poor economy,People working in horrible conditions in factories being payed minimum wage, and depending on rival countries for food and supplies. It got worse when Gorbachev took over and made several new reforms such as glasnost and perestroika and with all of the rapid changes in the S.U ( Soviet Union) government it caused social chaos and disorder and rebellion against Gorbachev. (GQ) Though which of the factors contributed more to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Economy or politics?.(Claim) During this time period Political factors seem more responsible to the collapse of the Soviet Union, because even though the Soviet Union had several food shortages it does not compare to how the Soviet Union lost several sources of income and resources such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, etc.(Significance) Countries like Poland which has plenty of …show more content…

This shows that even though economic factors played a huge role in the collapse of the Soviet Union the Political factors out weigh them. Since Inflation and the famine only put pressure on the political factors such as the S.U government deciding to leave the eastern block countries and losing all their resources. Which caused several rebellions throughout the Soviet Union.

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