What Are The Arguments Against Religious Diversity

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Religious freedom and diversity is a hotly debated topic that often divides opinion, I believe that religious freedom and diversity is crucial in a healthy successful society. Without religious freedom we are no longer free, without diversity we are no longer different. In American society, we have several religions amongst many ethnicities, this is what makes us the land of the free. When it comes to a healthy society we must accept others and respect our differences. Throughout the past years, we have been delivered many major ideas and aspects of religious freedom from several church’s and religions. One in particular the officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. They address what religious freedom does, means and why it’s vital for free people everywhere.

We are all in contest to the importance of ourselves and what we believe is right versus wrong. We have our own meaning of the word freedom and our own thoughts on how much freedom should be allowed. Religious freedom is a necessity to all beings, whether you believe or don’t. If we didn’t have religious freedom in America we’d be under harsh circumstances like they are back east in the Islamic state. Many women, children and men deal with wars on a daily …show more content…

When it comes to people that disagree with religious freedom and diversity, they too have the freedom in fact they use that freedom daily without even noticing it. They are just as free as you and me as well as they can practice their religion or not. Diversity is a wide topic amongst us all too. But you can’t shun those away who are different from you. The united states of America were founded as “one nation under god” not as one nation under European church and laws. The U.S to this day has not one race, one language, or one religion. We have all and that is the diversity and freedom in which is vital to have a healthy well-functioning

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