Importance Of Religious Pluralism

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Religious Pluralism
Understanding the importance of religious pluralism is essential for a society to develop intercultural relationships which benefit each member. “Pluralism engages people of different faiths and cultures in the creation of a common society” (Eck). Religious pluralism seems to view no one religion as the ultimate truth; it is an understanding between two or more religions which results in unity and balanced co-existence. It is a dynamic commitment that requires knowledge of other religions which develops an informative discussion about similarities and differences. After studying both the Hindu and Christian faiths an individual may notice the practice of pluralism in both religions.
Christianity is often interpreted as an exclusive tradition, which was perhaps true many years ago. Today, many Christians are moving toward a new direction with significance on plurality. “The Roman Catholic Church and most of the major Protestant denominations have given new emphasis to interfaith dialogue as essential to the relation of Christians to the people of other faiths” (Eck). Developing interpersonal relationships with members of diverse traditions allows Christians the opportunity for the “creation of a civil society by acknowledging, rather than hiding, our deepest differences” (Eck). An excellent example of a Christian engaging in pluralism was Martin Luther King Jr. who was willing to “cooperate with others, religious or non-religious, in achieving a compassionate social order with justice for all” (Esposito, Fasching, and Lewis 209). King demonstrated how pluralism can develop a society from which all members benefit. King gained from the many teachings of Mohandas K. Gandhi, a Hindu, whose practice of pluralism ai...

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...tation techniques in order to obtain a deeper spiritual connection with Jesus, at the same time, a Hindu may sometimes offer prayers to Jesus along with their traditional forms of God. Even though all believers of the Christian and Hindu faiths do not actively participate in religious pluralism, there is a growing trend which indicates each religions involvement with other religions in order to produce a society which engages individuals of other faiths with honesty, good deeds, love, and justice creating an interfaith pluralistic partnership.

Works Cited

Eck, Diane L. “From Diversity to Pluralism.” The Pluralism Project. Web. 5 May. 2014.
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Esposito, John L., Fasching, Darrell J., and Lewis, Todd. World Religions Today, 4th ed.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.

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