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The similarities between community and university colleges
Negative and positive of community colleges
Negative and positive of community colleges
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Tuition costs are continually rising and more and more high school graduate are considering other options to earn their degrees. The most effective route for earning a degree is attending community college before completing a four year degree at a university. I recently had to make this decision myself. In the state of Ohio, community college classes are all transferable to universities (within the same state). Therefore, classes offered at community colleges for a fraction of the cost are guaranteed to be considered equivalent to university courses when considered for a student 's degree. There are three main areas we can see benefits to this method, the price difference, the convenience of taking classes locally, and the long term benefits, …show more content…
In fact, in the state of Ohio standards for courses throughout the entire state are standardized in the same way, so students receive the same instruction no matter what school they attend and are guaranteed to be able to transfer credits from one institution to the other (OH Dept of Higher Ed).
The second, argument used against the merit of community colleges is that the faculty are paid less and therefore offer inferior education. Kim Clark, a staff writer for US News, said, “As the economy sours and tuition at four-year schools rises, more and more students are considering low-cost public community colleges. Counselors across the country warn, however, that sometimes students get what they pay for.” The first assumption is that success is measured by transferral. The data in reports cited in this article shows that a higher number of students complete four year degrees if they attend universities instead of community college first. Concluding that this data shows the supposed inferiority of community colleges is fallible. This would even be the case if the university studied offered poor academics, since universities do not usually attract students for lower level programs other than baccalaureate degrees. The conclusion fails to take into consideration the
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There is no significant difference in the academics of an average community college to that of an average university. While Harvard and Yale may offer more rigorous academics than Sinclair Community College; the cost, convenience, and smaller class sizes are still more advantageous to the average student. Despite the naysayers, attending community college before transferring to a university is still the most efficient route for earning a
In the article “ Two Years are better than Four” written by Liz Addison she makes her claim very early on in the paper by stating that community college is the best option, because it has opportunities for any type of person. She goes to tell all of the advantages throughout the article. While in “College Prepares People for Life,” written by Freeman Hrabowski, states his claim being college teaches you more than just education but never goes on to tell you how college teaches you these things. With both claims explained, it is made clear that Liz Addison gives us a better look on how community colleges benefit everyone rather than Hrabowski barley mentioning his claim at all.
Everyone knows that person from high school that just wasn’t cut out for college. It’s not a bad thing by any means, but if you’re thinking about heading off to college like many American teenagers often do, think about this: going to college can be a waste of both your time and your money. I’m not the first to say it, and I sure as hell won’t be the last. In Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill’s essay, Should Everyone Go to College?, the two authors take a strong economic approach to justify going to college. Owen, an ex- senior research assistant at Brookings’ Center on Children and Families and current research associate at the Urban Institute, a nonpartisan center for research on the problems of urban communities, and Sawhill, the co-director of the Center on Children and Families and a senior fellow in economic studies at Brookings, claim that the return on investment (ROI) of a college education is overwhelmingly positive on average; However, they also bring light
Because universities are extending the number of applicants they are accepting, a lot of people question whether community colleges still matter. Personally, I share Liz Addison, for¬¬¬mer Southern Maine Community College student and graduate of Royal Veterinary College in London, opinion that appears in her essay “Two Years Are Better than Four” published in 2007. In her essay, even though Addison rebuts Rick Perlstein’s perspective that community colleges no longer matter as they once did, explains the philosophy of community college, and recounts her college experience, she mostly focus on proving her opinion, stated in the last paragraph of the essay, that “college does still matter”(258). In other words, Adison thinks that college still
Universities can be expensive, especially if the school is out of state of current residency. Attending a community college to save up money is a smart option for students. Being able to c...
One major decision one must make after exiting high school is whether to go to a university or go to community college. In the article “Two Year Are Better Than Four,” written by Liz Addison. She expressed her opinion on the significance of community colleges in comparison with the university. She stated that community college do not receive the acknowledgment and appreciation that they deserve. “what’s the matter with colleges?,” (Addison 255). although, there is a lot to agree with within the article there are some faulty statements that two year colleges don’t offer the best education possible and that community college are more engaging and individualized for a student and the price is also much less expensive than a university education.
In “Two Years Are Better than Four”, Liz Addison argues against Rick Perlstein’s article “What’s the Matter With College?”. While Perlstein questions the value of college as it currently is, Addison argues that the “community college system is America’s hidden public service gem”(Addison 257). By way of that, she defends the value of college. Unsurprisingly, as with most situations, the truth is somewhere in between ends of a spectrum created by these two articles. While I agree with Addison’s idea of community college being an accessible starting point for everyone, she fails to appropriately represent the unique culture often found in these types of colleges. Also, I think that she also fails to look at the overall purpose of attending school and then neglects to acknowledge the benefits of a four year university.
Community colleges and vocational tracks are not wrong about the high cost of traditional higher education. According to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, one year at a public, four-year institution costs upwards of $23,000 on average, while private institutions will cost nearly $10,000 more on average. Coupled with the fact that prices at public institutions rose 42 percent and private institutions rose 31 percent between 2001 and 2011, it’s not a shock that parents and students alike worry about paying for college. However, this won’t always be the case, as this rise in prices simply cannot continue the way it has. Eventually, people will be unable to pay the price that colleges charge. They will either settle for com...
...accessible for all students. In his article, Murray states, “Employers do not value what the student has learned, just that the student has a degree.” (Murray 233) Similarly, employers often do not value where the degree is from, just that one has been achieved. Thus, community college is the quintessential choice to not only “break the norm” of a B.A., but to aid in financial stability while doing so. Addison’s counterargument strongly disagrees with Murray’s overall argument, that college is not necessary.
Attendance at a technical college or local 2-year school was deplorably referenced to as “loser’s territory” and if you dared to enroll in one anyway and followed through to graduation, well you were congratulated but to a lackluster fanfare. Some community college graduates still receive this reception upon exit of a community college but attitudes are definitely changing. Today more than ever, degree-seeking individuals are paving the path to their careers through the entrance and exit doors of community colleges. These well-informed leaders of the new school have realized a smarter way to education; that a bachelor’s degree or taking a traditional route to obtain one is not necessarily the best or right way to be a successful and employable member of society.
Community colleges have been tool used by many American students and families as a means of affordable education for better life for themselves and their children. Community colleges has played a big role in helping middle and lower income families who can 't afford to go to 4 years colleges ,the chance to educate themselves and their children. Community college was created in order to give basic liberal , technical and vocational education to all willing to be educated.
Although they are both a lot alike, there are many differentials of the two. Universities are known for having large campuses; consequently, resulting in large number of students in each class. While Universities can range from having 20-1000 participants at a time, community colleges usually have no more than 50 participants in a class. As a result of such a large class size, it is harder for a professor to be able to develop the one-on-one time with a student. Due to most co...
Throughout the years, America has always debated whether education is needed- if it helps people succeed or not. The argument in the past was always over high school education, which is now mandatory. That decision has helped the US rise economically and industrially. Today, the US is in the middle of the same debate- this time, over college. Some, like David Leonhardt, a columnist for the business section of The New York Times, think a college education creates success in any job. Others, such as Christopher Beha, an author and assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine, believe that some college “education” (like that of for-profit schools) is a waste of time, and can even be harmful to students. Each stance on this argument has truth to it, and there is no simple answer to this rising issue in an ever changing nation full of unique people. Any final decision would affect the United States in all factions- especially economically and socially. However, despite the many arguments against college, there is overwhelming proof that college is good for all students, academically or not.
This is the most ridiculous argument I have heard regarding education. Community colleges may be less expensive than four-year schools, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality education. Classes held at community colleges are usually smaller than university classes. The curriculum is more in-depth and there is more of an open exchange between teachers and students. Additionally, most of the time teachers from 4-year schools will teach at community colleges, consequently proving that community college quality of education is just as high as a 4-year university.
“College education is only a mere rite of passage these days and a capstone to adolescent party time” (Henry). This is one of the things William A. Henry had to say about College Education, especially community colleges. William A. Henry was a critic, columnist and an author. In his career he received several prizes including the Pulitzer Prize as a drama critic for Time Magazine. He also wrote several books including his final and controversial book In Defense of Elitism which he talks about the tension America always had between elitism and egalitarianism. In those terms he sheds some light on education. Stanley Fish who published an article Colleges Caught In a Vise stating that colleges are offering an inferior product, in other words- an education that isn’t worth anything. Stanley Fish is a literary theorist, scholar, author, and was a professor in several Universities but now a Professor of Law at Cardozo Law School and a dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois. What these two authors had to say about college raises a question whether community colleges should exist anymore. William A. Henry even states that community colleges should be closed and the number of high school graduates that go on to college should be reduced by about fifty percent. I agree with William A. Henry that the number of community colleges should be reduced down in our education system because first: a community college certificate has no value and oversupply of college graduates is affecting the economy. Second, community college tuition and expenses are climbing and in result continuing to offer cheaper education. I will analyze what community colleges are currently doing wrong, why they should be closed, and r...
As the high school chapter is coming to a close, many students have to make a decision that will affect the rest of their lives. Hopefully, for many that decision is to enroll in a college and attain a higher education. However, as tuition costs rise, students have to take a second look at their options for a better future. A community college is that second look for many because it is the less expensive option. From 2007-2009, enrollment for community colleges has increased by 24 percent (“College costs and the CPI”). Students aren’t choosing a college for educational purposes because they are overwhelmed by financial issues. They are attending community colleges so they will be able to graduate with a lower debt. Some seniors have wanted to attend a certain university all their life and they work toward that goal through grade school; however, they are hindered by soaring tuition for that college. Students should be able to attend a private university if they mee...