What Are Lincoln's Strengths And Weaknesses

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My president that I chose was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States, beating Douglas, Breckinridge, and Bell. He was the first president from the Republican Party. Abraham started his term for president in 1860. He was assassinated on April 15, 1865. The assassination of Lincoln was planned and carried out by the well-known stage actor John Wilkes Booth, as part of a larger conspiracy in a bid to revive the Confederate cause. During Lincoln's presidency he made many major decisions and completed many things, two of them was the Emancipation Proclamation, and another major decision he completed was to keep the nation one. Abraham Lincoln had many strengths and weaknesses, however one of his strengths was …show more content…

He also had some weaknesses, as in easily influenced. One of my favorite strengths of Lincoln is his leadership. That one is my favorite because, he lead people, and helped them in many ways. For a couple examples of his leadership is anaconda plan that he said the final go ahead on, and the Emancipation Proclamation that I have mentioned in the previous paragraph. The Anaconda Plan was a strategy created by Union General Winfield Scott in 1861, early on in the Civil War. It called for strangling the Southern Confederacy, like an Anaconda. Now that we have went through some of his strengths, let's go through some of his weaknesses. One of his weaknesses is the poor choice of generals in the civil war. Lincoln could never really identify really good military leader ship. He had to pick his generals and he picked a number of bad ones, and stuck with them too long. A big example of this is with George McClellan even as McClellan lack of aggression frustrated …show more content…

Well that is a little bit hard, but if I had to chose a word to describe Abraham Lincoln it would be courage. I am choosing this word because, to be president you have to have a lot of courage. As president you have to think about the majority of people will like you, because they voted you in, but the people that didn't vote for you or doesn't like your values, will not like you at all. As in the south did not like the Emancipation Proclamation at all, you think they wanted to give up their free labor? That meant the south would actually have to pay someone for the labor they put out. However, the north loved the Emancipation Proclamation because they wanted everyone free, and they didn't agree with slavery. So my president had a whole bunch of

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