We Real Cool

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Two poetic devices can be compared and contrasted in the two poems She Walks in Beauty and We Real Cool. These two devices are imagery and symbolism. The poem She Walks in Beauty by Lord Lord Byron (George Gordon) is about a girl that is very beautiful. Gordon compares her to many different beautiful things that makes her seem very majestic. An example is, “She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies;” (Gordon, stanza 1 lines 1 and 2). The poem We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks is about a group of people that believe that they are cool. In the poem, the group states many things that they believe make them cool. These things are not good things, rather negative. Two things that they say are “We left school” (Brooks, stanza 1 line 2) and “We Thin gin.” (Brooks, stanza 3 line 2). These two poems contrast in their meaning because the poem She Walks in Beauty is positive while the poem We Real Cool is negative. Imagery is seen …show more content…

It is seen in the poem She Walks in Beauty because the meaning of the poem is more than its literal meaning. In the poem, the hidden meaning is that this girl is amazing and that the poet has her as a wife. She, as was stated before, is described as beautiful and majestic. She is also described by things that a stranger that likes a girl would not know. Two examples of this are “The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent,” (Gordon, stanza 3 lines 3 and 4) and “A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent!” (Gordon, stanza 3 lines 5 and 6). The first example says that she spends days in goodness. A stranger would not know how a girl spends her time; however, a husband would know that. The second example says that the girl has a mind at peace and that her love is innocent. A husband would know that his wife has a peaceful mind and loves him with pure love; however, a stranger would not know that about a girl that he

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