We Need Bats Research

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Bats are amazing creatures that can do something that I bet you have never even considered. Bats are big helpers on pollinating. They pollinate by accident when they drink nectar from flowers. According to Heather Niver, author of “We Need Bats” she states “As they drink from flowers, they get pollen on their faces.” (Niver, 13). When they move to another flower, the pollen gets transferred. This is just one reason why bats should be protected in Wisconsin. If they aren’t, their numbers could be so low we could be missing out on the beauty of many of the flowers we currently enjoy. First of all, bats should be protected because they are a big part in ecosystems. According to the book “We Need Bats” by Heather Niver, they help pollinate and plant plants. “People can use bat scat to help plants grow.” (Niver, 9). “Guano is natural and safe to use than other chemicals.” (Niver, 9). Guano and scat mean poop. This means that bat scat …show more content…

They can hold many severe diseases. The website “ Five reasons bats are scary and one why their not.” by Stephen Luntz he states “Bats represent the reservoir in which the Ebola virus survives between outbreaks.” (Luntz, 5). “Bats were the likely source of an outbreak.” (Luntz, 8). Both of these pieces of evidence Luntz gives is saying that bats can be a leading cause of many bad diseases. On the flip side, bats won’t bite you. On the website “Are Bats Good or Bad to Have Around?” by Stephen Burnett he states in his writing, “It is true that bats can have rabies and you should never disturb a bat.” (Burnett, 2). “The risks of rabies from bats is generally much less than most people think it is.” (Burnett, 2). Another piece of evidence Burnett wrote is “Most wild animals are afraid of humans, and bats are no exception. If you disturb a bat, it will try to defend itself in the only way it knows how: by biting.” (Burnett, 3). All of this evidence shows that bats are harmless unless you harm

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