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Compare and Contrast the visions of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
George washington leader
His excellency George Washington
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“Liberty, when begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.” The first ever president, George Washington, said this when the United States of America was first starting out. Within the first 20 years of its birth, America had 3 different leaders. Those three leaders were George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. All three of those men served America with great hearts, but they all had vastly different forms of how they thought America should be. The three mens backgrounds, individual personalities, and especially their political views and leadership differ from each other but also have somethings in common. First thing is the men's background. Both Washington and Jefferson were born in Virginia, while Adams was born in Massachusetts. Washington was homeschooled by his parents, who immigrated from England. Adams, who was a descent from Puritan colonists, went to Harvard when he was just 16. Washington served as general and commander in chief during the American Revolution. Unfortunately, Washington’s father died when he was just 11 years old. His half brother began to raised him as soon as his father died. Adams was a rather exquisite lawyer, even though his …show more content…
Washington was a humble man, with a good judge of character. He was both ambitious and intelligent, attracting many people to vote for him. In fact, he was elected by every voter in America to become president. He was competitive, yet a very strong leader. Washington’s personality definitely contrasted Adams personality. Adams was not a very good leader, and he had a horrible temper. His mood would always move up and down, causing for anger issues. Jefferson, on the other hand, was a man who kept to himself. Although, it is know that he had a fantastic sense of humor. His wife, Martha Jefferson, was very outgoing and always the life of the party. Much like Washington, he had a well set personality for the
Adams led the country as a federalist and Jefferson led it as a federalist. They established a stable government differently but effectively. Jefferson and Adams both made major mistakes, The Alien and Sedition Acts and the Embargo Act. They also both had great successes, ending the Quazi War and making the Louisiana Purchase. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were two of the most influential presidents in US history and even though they are very different they both put the stability of the government
Before Andrew Jackson became president, John Quincy Adams was president. Both of them have many differences such as life and political ideology. First, Adams came from an aristocratic family and had good political connection because of his father's, John Adams, who was a former president and also one of the founding fathers. Andrew Jackson was born as a commoner. Unlike Adams, Jackson did not receive education but instead joined the military life, fought in wars and became a national hero. John Q. Adam became president first before Jackson did. However, Adam only served one term during his presidency. Jackson served two during his. Both of their political views are different but both wanted to lead the country. Adams focused more on the country's
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are the two most prominent leaders in establishing a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution. After the Revolution, America was unstable but was controlled after policies and regulations were set under the presidency of Washington and Jefferson. Washington excelled in making the right decisions based on what he thought was right for America’s future. Jefferson expanded independence because of his wants for more political liberty and freedom of religion and education. Although the two had different views, they both succeeded in greatly changing the nation's government for the better. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson helped in establishing a stable government for the new nation by
Washington's dedication to the cause of the American Revolution inspired and impressed everyone. He was a great general, and astute politician, and a symbol of the cause for independence. He was a master in the art of war. Bibliography:.. Bibliography Handel, Michael I. Masters of War.
"His mind was great and powerful, without being of the very first order; his penetration strong . . . Perhaps the strongest feature in his character was prudence, never acting until every circumstance, every consideration, was maturely weighed; refraining if he saw a doubt, but, when once decided, going through with his purpose, whatever obstacles opposed." (Thomas Jefferson, as cited in "George Washington," 2006, para.19) George Washington is one of the most recognized and famous leaders in all history of the United States of America. He contributed greatly to the establishment of this prosperous country, from leading the Revolutionary armies into battle, to running the country as the first president, Washington has set precedence and example for all who have and are yet to follow. He was a noble man who demonstrated characteristics one would expect from a hero figure. He was not power-hungry, but did things and played his role for the good of the country, for patriotic purposes, to help America become the success it is today. In March of 1783, the soldiers of the American military were restless, bored and in a terrible state of doubt and distrust concerning the newly formed congress of the country. When these soldiers joined the army, they were promised a certain amount of money according to their service, but by the war's end, congress was nearly broke and not in a position to pay them all they had earned. The soldiers planned a rebellion against congress for their unjust treatment, and attempted to hold an unauthorized meeting of the officers on the matter. Washington forbade the meeting, but called for one a few days later, in which he gave his speech concerning the Newburgh Conspiracy ("The Rise and Fall," 2006, para.2). General Washington was a highly respected man among his peers, soldiers, and fellow men. His opinions, approval, and presence alone were enough to validate many plans, documents, and meetings throughout his life, so it is no wonder that even simple words or acts performed by General Washington were respected, and more often than not, taken to heart by his audience; perhaps this is why it may seem surprising that one of the most important speeches he ever gave fell on relatively deaf ears, leaving the audience hesitant, confused, seemingly unaffected by his powerful use of diction, and emotional appeal.
Alexander Hamilton was born on January 11, 1755 in Nevis, British West Indies and Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, Shadwell, VA. They both grew up on plantations and had families and siblings. However, Jefferson had nine siblings while Hamilton only had his younger brother James A. Hamilton. The two men had a great adoration for reading and were brilliant. They were phenomenal writers and had many famous works. They were both founding fathers and were part of Washington’s first cabinet. Even though the two had quite a few similarities, the two could not be more contrasting. Once in Washington’s cabinet, the tension began and only escalated as time went on. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas
Jefferson was born in Virginia, he was the son of a wealthy plantation owner. He attended the College of William and Mary, and he was well educated. He later practice law, and had a large family. Paine was born in Thetford, United Kingdom. He migrated to the colony of Pennsylvania in late 1774, he became associated with men like John Adams and Dr. Benjamin Rush.
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were two important men who affected our nations independence and the beginning years of our country. They helped form this nation into a free and sovereign country. Yet, they were different in many aspects they shared a few common features. Both Washington and Jefferson grew up in the southern state of Virginia and like most owned land to grow and harvest crops. In growing up they came from two different class levels of living. The Jefferson family was more famous and richer than Washington’s giving him a greater advantage and opportunity to succeed, especially in higher education. After Jefferson finished regular schooling he was able to attend the College of William and Mary were he studied law. He did so under the teaching of George Wthe who was considered perhaps the greatest teachers of law in Virginia at the time. Washington however was taught by his mom mainly in mathematics and received no higher education. Washington was still knowledgeable and began to put it to use in the army to become as a young British soldier. He interred the army at the young age of nineteen were he began to learn leadership and military strategy which would prove useful in the Revolutionary War to come. Jefferson on the other hand was involved in the laws, courts, and small politics. At the young age of twenty-five Jefferson was elected to the House of Burgesses in Virginia were he served for five years. Washington was known for his great motivational speeches that would rally troops together to prepare for war and lead on to victory. Jefferson was more of a writer not a speaker and by using his skill he wrote and brought forth fresh ideas of independence and freedom.
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were two very influential figures in American political history. Even though they both were in two different eras, they shaped the American government and the way people think about it. They both have similarities, but they do have differences as well that includes political rights, religious rights and even economic rights.
George Washington had character and was extraordinary. Ellis described Washington as an "incalculable asset." His leadership skills were unique. His actions were performed for his country, not for political gain. He was also directly associated with every major event of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress, and the building of the new republic. Even the country 's new capitol had his name. These were some of the things that made him so special. Washington was not prideful and not easily led. He offered suggestions and warnings to his replacements and told the government to expand in a way that would keep the country standing; he was well aware of how dainty the country was. The United States would never have survived without him.
The United States of America was formed by many president's of our time. One of these very influential presidents was George Washington. Courageous, smart and firm. The "founding father" has influenced many people today. He was a commander in chief of the forces during the Revolutionary War, chairman of the convention that wrote the Constitution, and the very first president. He has made very important decisions that still influence our country today.
Thomas Jefferson was the third American President. Due to the fact that he was such an early President, he influenced our political system greatly, both in the short and long term with his seemingly quiet approach to congressional matters. During his presidency, many things happened that changed the United States as we know it. He coordinated the Louisiana Purchase, assisted in implementing the twelfth amendment, formed the character of the modern American President, and cut the U.S.’s war debt by a third.
President Thomas Jefferson 1801 - 1809. Thomas Jefferson came into presidency with the intention of limiting the size and power of the central government. His success and failures in accomplishing this goal were many. Thomas Jefferson was America’s third president in reign from 1801 – 1809, once tying in the presidential race with Aaron Burr, where the decision was made by the House of Representatives to choose Jefferson, whom they thought was less dangerous than Burr. As president he was the first to be inaugurated in Washington, which was a city he had helped to plan. President Jefferson's inauguration was probably the start of the changes in government.
In the year 1789, was the beginning of a great country. On that year, George Washington became the first president of this nation. Washington alone has created multiple precedents that has become common practice used today. This nation has not been created alone by one man, but rather seven others. These key individuals were later identified as the Founding Fathers. There are too many things to list what each Father did, but what I can do is talk about three great members that made a memorable change in the beginning of our nation. George Washington, John Adams, and Alexander Hamilton are three people who have made the most remarkable additions made to our new country. As a result, these three Founding Fathers contributed the foundation of the United States of America.
Washington’s moral code and personal behavior were a product of the lessons he had learned from the writings of the Enlightenment because he became more of down-to-earth individual. Unlike many of the Founding Fathers, he believed that having a formal education was not a necessary attribute for a man. Wood describes, “Washington’s Enlightenment was a much more down-to-earth affair, concerned with behavior and with living in the everyday-world of people” (121). Unlike Washington’s Enlightenment, many other individuals shaped their lives by following the guidelines of a military book whilst Washington lived by the book of sophistication. He was rather dedicated to morphing himself to become a perfect and proper w such as with the help of popular writings that included “etiquette books, didactic stories, Spectator papers, Hogarth prints, gentlemanly magazines, [and] classical histories” (121). These writings shaped Washington into the civilized and virtuous leader that he always wished to become.