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The controversy of thomas jefferson’s views of slavery essay
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Thomas Jefferson was a slave holder and the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence. Many will assume he was a racist and pro-slavery, but unless one were to look deeper into why Jefferson would even own slaves, this assumption is very believable. I would say Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite, but he was justified hypocrite. As I think about why would Jefferson would want the abolishing of slaves, but on the other hand own slaves, it seems a bit hypocritical, but we must take a moment and really think was his hypocrisy justifiable? During this era nearly every successful white man owned slaves, so why would Jefferson not own them himself? Slaves were not just considered property, but they had valuable characteristics about them. They …show more content…
To be frank I think the entire first Document of the Declaration of Independence is extremely hypocritical. Nowhere stated in the excerpt, were slaves pointed out, but instead “all Men”. Does this “all men” include those of color as well, and not just whites? This document alone is hard evidence of why many believe Jefferson as being pro-slavery. On the other hand, Jefferson was entitled to have slaves, because that is pretty much what everyone practiced during this time. Yes, he knew slavery was complete and utterly wrong, but slavery was also popular among rich white men. As time passed Jefferson began the process of wanting to abolish slavery and even free some of the slaves that
His writings show how he truly views slavery. In the first document, found in the Declaration of Independence, he claims that King George III is violating the rights of Africans by taking them and selling them into slavery elsewhere in the world. In the last document, written to Holmes regarding the Missouri Compromise, he states how people would be happier having a greater surface for the slave trade. This is a perfect example of how Jefferson was hypocritical; he simply contradicted himself. Although these documents were written forty years or so apart, I believe that it is still important to note his hypocrisy. This is mainly because Jefferson owned slaves throughout this entire time
Throughout much of my life I was a slave to the white man. I was, however, luckier than most. I was able to become a freeman, and have since dedicated my life to the abolition of slavery and oppression in this country. This oppression lives on because of the hypocritical nature in which this country's founding fathers, including you, outlined their independence. Many times throughout your most patriotic document, The Declaration of Independence, you contradict yourself and the ideas that are presented. It appears that the ideals you present are only for those with a white skin such as yours. All other people, for example the American Negro, are not even considered people in your white wigged world. We are only property to be bought and sold accordingly, with no regard for our families, friends, or personal beliefs. These are aspects of life that you and I both fought for, but are reserved only for you.
Jefferson did not discuss slavery in the Declaration because the slave owning colonies of Georgia and Virginia insisted that there be no mention of slaves. Moreover, these two colonies wanted to retain their rights to own
ideas of Hamilton destroyed that hope in the bud, We can pay off his debts
He wrote many times that salve ownership was directly against one’s personal and God given freedoms and liberties. On the contrary, he owned slaves and quite a few at that. Naturally, people are quick to label Mr. Jefferson a hypocrite because of this. But once you look deeper into Jefferson’s situation and his life you see some complications he would quickly run into if he were to release his slaves. During his lifetime, Jefferson was in a lot of debt and his slaves were his property. So his slaves acted as collateral to his debt. If he was to release his slaves then he would have run into some pretty heavy financial problems. I think that Jefferson had a big realization about deserved freedom for all humans but by the time he realized all of this it was too late. He already had an established life and if were to give it all up because of his realizations he would have been ruining his own life. He knew that he couldn’t do that to himself or his family. I don’t think we can stamp hypocrisy onto Mr. Jefferson. His heart was in the right place I think he might have just been too scared to completely give up his life for his beliefs because he knew what the consequences would
It should be noted that the Declaration of Independence made it clear that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Although this progressive view was shared by many of the members of the Constitutional Convention, it is clear that the original text of the American Constitution is rather pro-slavery and up to a certain point protects the slave-owners. It is of utmost importance to note that the words slavery/slave are not used in the text of the Constitution.
Many Americans’ eyes were opened in 1776, when members of the Continental Congress drafted, signed, and published the famous document “The Declaration of Independence” in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By declaring their independence, many of the colonists believed that slaves should have the same rights as the whites had. Abolition groups were formed, and the fight to end slavery begins.
Thomas Jefferson was the third American President. Due to the fact that he was such an early President, he influenced our political system greatly, both in the short and long term with his seemingly quiet approach to congressional matters. During his presidency, many things happened that changed the United States as we know it. He coordinated the Louisiana Purchase, assisted in implementing the twelfth amendment, formed the character of the modern American President, and cut the U.S.’s war debt by a third.
As years have passed novelists and historians have examined the life of Thomas Jefferson to try to figure him out. During the Jeffersonian era, he was looked at as a patriot who was liked by everyone. He seemed as though he had morals because he argued that slavery was a crime and that made him well-liked by Northerners. While Jefferson claimed to be anti-slavery during his time, the fact that he owned slaves, used them for sexual gratification and held the title of the second-largest slaveholder in Virginia would shed a better light on his position towards the issue later on. When Jefferson’s life was taken a deeper look at, it began to be pointed out how contradictory of a man he actually was. This would alter subsequent viewpoints on Thomas
Unlike Bond, Franklin felt no remorse for Jefferson’s contradicting manner. Admitting forgiveness for Jefferson’s transgressions, he is undoubtedly sure he recognized his actions. Franklin believed he was satisfied with the institution of slavery, considering his fear of setting his slaves free. Although, he was not at all a hero to him, Franklin respected Jefferson as a talented and brilliant American. Quickly dismissing Sally Hemings as his mistress, Franklin was more interested in pointing out the exploitation of all African Americans. Granting all this, Franklin concluded Jefferson’s legacy was a gift and a curse; one should observe the importance of the Declaration of Independence despite his particular position on
This letter from a slave to Jefferson reveals the horrors of slavery system a person has to adopt just because of his/her skin color. Black people then were never considered and treated as a human being. As stated by author in his letter, slavery is established by the Kings of Britain for their luxury but it was still prevailing even after the English monarch left the American soil. Black people are also the citizens of America. They also played a major role in Revolution to overthrow the British tyranny from the American soil in every possible way they could offer. Blacks fought as a soldier too. They are also the citizen of free country and yet they are treated harshly. An American is exploiting another American citizen for his pleasure and
The fact that Jefferson knows enslaving humans is wrong but yet he still does it, enslaving African American to work for his farm. People who were kidnapped from their own country and brought to the United States to work as a slave and become controlled by a person who is powerful then them. Jefferson wanted to become the most powerful person by ruling over all his slaves. The fact that people wanted to become free from a country that ruled them, but still wanted to own their own slaves as a sign of power. Many people want to become the strongest in order to become the strongest they would defeat or rule over the weak. Jefferson did just that he ruled over his slave to become the most powerful person.
The contradictions between slavery and freedom are very apparent throughout history. America started out with the intentions of becoming separate and equal. To become this kind of nation they needed a crop that would give them something to trade with the other countries. The most obvious choice was tobacco and to produce this demanding crop they used a lot of slave labor. Morgan states 'To a very large degree it may be said that Americans bought their independence with slave labor (122).' America was so obsessed with being free and equal it looks like they would go to any length to obtain it. Another example would be certain slave owners. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington all owned slaves. This is interesting especially with Jefferson who had a major role in republican liberty. Another contradictory point made by Morgan is how England which prides itself in the l...
“We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” If the confusion has not yet set in, then give it a moment. This nation, the United States of America, prides itself on being far superior to all other nations because here in America we are free men. We set ourselves on a pedestal above Great Britain because the Declaration of Independence clearly states that everyone inside the parameters of our country will be treated as equal as the same individuals neighbor. Yet for nearly three centuries, our nation was full of individuals, including our forefathers, who “owned” people that were regarded as less than themselves simply due to the fact that the pigments in their skin did not allow them to fall within the Caucasian race. The very legal document that had the word “Independence” written within it’s name and blatantly stated that it is obvious that no human is greater than any other because we were all made by the same god for the same reason, is the foundation of a nation that used innocent lives as fuel for slavery. It wasn’t until some educated individuals finally stood up and realized how incredibly wrong these two concepts are when put together. It is said that when the former slave Frederick Douglass
Do you think Thomas Jefferson is right? “Determine to be idle... it is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” i think he is correct. i think this because, you are working to accomplish the task and you can move onto another.