Was The Guillotine Justified Essay

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Sixteen thousand die in the guillotine. During the French Revolution, citizens wanted a change and they went to extreme measures to make these changes. The French revolution knows as the reign of terror because the national assembly, which was the new people’s government, insisted on using force in order to see change. Unfortunately, because of this conflict many people had to die for what they believed in. This causes one to think, could the French government have done things differently. The reign of terror was necessary for these three reasons: all citizens would have the rights, the guillotine was a symbol of change, and the revolution would allow all citizens to participate in political affairs.

The first reason the reign of terror was …show more content…

During the revolution citizens became vocal about what changes and rights they wanted. Not all people supported the revolution and their lack of support tried to weaken what the national assembly was trying to create. Maximilien Robespierre was on the committee of public safety and his intent was to give citizens the right to vote and have equal rights. A way of enforcing that this actually happened was the result of the guillotine being designed and sued. The guillotine was a symbol of the French revolution. “The guillotine was regarded as a humane was to execute criminals” C9document F). This evidence shows that the Reign of Terror was justified because leaders used the guillotine as a way to enforce citizens to follow the laws that had been set in place for all French citizens. “Society owes protection only to peaceable citizens; the only citizens in the republic are republicans” (document D). This source validates why the national assembly felt justified in the use of the guillotine because it got rid of people who did not support peace. The guillotine was a symbol of fear, but it ensured that citizens supported the revolution. Killing people to get them to support the government appears harsh. But in the end, it was not just Louis XVI and his wife that were killed this way even Robespierre lost his life by the guillotine. During the revolution there was a change in power away from the monarchy. It was a time for the people and even though lives were lost on both sides it was necessary in order to make France

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