Was Antigone Justified Essay

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Antigone, dealt the worst hand in history, is she justified through her actions or not? Is it her fault that she has defied Creon over the Gods' will? Punishment by man is temporary, but in death, punishment is eternal. Who would wish for eternal punishment in the Underworld sentenced by the Gods? On Lines 55-58, Antigone says, "But I will bury him; and if I must die, / I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down / With him in death, and I shall be as dear / To him as he to me," Antigone knew her actions would result in Creon punishing her, but she also knew that if she did not do anything, she would be punished more severely. Although Antigone is willing to risk her life to bury her brother Polyneices, Ismene says otherwise. On Lines 50-52, Ismene states, "To forgive me, but I am helpless: I must yield / To those in authority. And I think it is dangerous business / To be always meddling." She agrees with Antigone, but does not do as she believes; she yields to Man not the Gods. …show more content…

He is her brother. Leaving Polyneices out to rot would not only displease the Gods, but also bring shame and dishonor on Antigone, and what's left of her family. Lines 67-68 are of Antigone say, "But as for me, / I will bury the brother I love." She cherishes her brother, along with other family members, and, by her actions in the play, it seems she would do the same for any other member. Antigone's love for her brother is immense in comparison to others; not burying her brother would cause for her to live a life of shame and die dishonored. She respects and cares about Polyneices profusely. Antigone says in Lines 79-81, "Leave me my foolish plan: / I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, / It will not be the worst of deaths ––death without

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