Voting Campaign Essay

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Campaigns and voting are a major part of the government in the United States. Voting is the real thing that keeps citizens in touch with their Government. People who are running for the government and president should be fair and equal for everyone who wants to run. Some people what to find a way to prevent fraud on voting, so their vote would be illegal and can get in trouble. To create and regulate government and president Campaigns to try to make it fair and equal for every that is running. As all was something that needs to be in policy and the policy is Equal Funding Act Equal Funding Act includes trying to prevent fraud without requiring pre-registration. This Policy for preventing fraud is that government works for local or state would be at the polls and check people in to let them vote. The people who want to vote must bring a photo ID and must show the government …show more content…

This generation when people run for government official they can use their own money and some that they got from their party. They have no maximum out on how much they want to spend on their campaign. It not fair to other people running if one person has more money than another people running. Most of the time people who are running uses their own money for their campaign. The Equal Funding Act has a max out that is for people who are running for the government or president. This is to make sure that everyone has an equal and fair shot, and it not about who has more money than another campaign. The max out would be 1 Billion. Sometimes the better candidate can be the one that does not have the most between the candidate. If people run for president in the Equal Funding Act, they at least need to be in the government for 3 years. The requirement for being in the government for 3 years is that that can work for the state, local, congressmen or woman,

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