Vitamin C

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Vitamin C is an essential in the body's defenses against infection. Susceptible children will not tolerate relatively unimportant infections and this can lead to prolonged illness and in the case of behaviorally disturbed children of symptoms previously well managed. Vitamin C is an extremely safe substance which is immensely beneficial to the brain and body in a multitude of ways. Its potential for preventing and treating autism has barely been touched. Vitamin C is heavily concentrated in the brain, but its exact role in brain function has not been fully understood. A recent search turned up 400 references referring to vitamin C and the effects of the brain, but the mystery still remains.
Since the 1960s when Bernard Rimland initiated research into the use of vitamin B6 alongside magnesium a high proportion of people on the autistic spectrum have benefited from taking more vitamin B6. It is important however, to recognize that only those on the autistic spectrum with a need for Vitamin B6 in particular will benefit from this treatment.
We don't need to understand the biochemistry to know that vitamin C is indeed very crucial to brain function. The earliest signs of vitamin C deficiency are confusion and depression. Vitamin C also improves cognition, as shown by increased IQ scores in normal and Down's syndrome children. Other studies have shown improved EEGs and alertness, as measured in a variety of ways. Hoffer and Osmond, in a series of brilliant studies, showed vitamin C's effectiveness in treating schizophrenia.
Most of what we hear of vitamin C relates to its role in destroying viruses and bacteria. In a 1995 review, 21 placebo-controlled studies in which giving 1 or more grams of C daily; significantly reduced the severity and duration of colds. But vitamin C's anti-germ defense is only one of its many roles in the body. Irwin Stone's superb book The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease discusses many other ways in which vitamin C protects the body against substances implicated as causative of some cases of autism. A few examples:
Toxins. Starting back in the 1930’s, studies shown that industrial workers suffering from lead poisoning as a result of their exposure to lead in storage battery plants experienced quick relief from their mental and physical sy...

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...nia are very different disorders, but the socialization that VanderKamp had reported in his schizophrenic patients would certainly be welcome among most autistic patients, particularly those with Asperger syndrome. Other researchers have also reported improvement in the personalities of psychiatric patients on high doses of vitamin C. Milner (1963), for example, reported "statistically significant improvement in the depressive, manic and paranoid symptom complexes, together with an improvement in overall personality functioning."
Research also has shown vitamin C to bring about improvement in patients with depression and manic depressive illness, which, as I pointed out in Infantile Autism, do appear to be genetically related to autism. If vitamin C is used in large amounts, most experts suggest that buffered vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) should be used rather than ascorbic acid, since the acid form may be too acidic in multi-gram doses. Works Cited

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