Visual Culture

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The rise of consumerism can greatly be dependent on the media perpetuation of ideologies supporting certain goods and services that are then adopted by the society. In so doing, they create ideological frameworks in the society and influence people to choose their ideologies and adapt to them. Continuous exposure of a person to the media has great influence on their beliefs, values and identities. These systems of thoughts and believes are reinforced by the external inputs that are mostly socialization agents like family, friends and even the media. People have identified themselves with the media and they are adopting their ways of lives and thinking from the media. It plays a vital role in shaping the values of people in the society today. It is no wonder there is the creation of a media culture in the contemporary society with people copying social standards set in the media. These social standards are characteristic of changing people’s ideologies and individualities. One major example is the creation of the pop culture that has been characterized by the media presentation of ideas and presentations that are compared to the western cultures. These presentations have created the change of people’s thinking, dressing and even talking. The cultivation theory explains the cultivation of attitudes and ideas represented in the media by people. In relation to this, the media has developed better form of presentations of goods and services through advertising hence, the increase in consumerism of goods and services. This has seen the inclusion of adverts with popular cultures to sell consumer goods.
Popular Culture and its Relationship to Contemporary Art
Popular culture, also known as pop culture refers to a created ways of life th...

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...selves with them. By so doing, they are, therefore, expected to use popular imagery, something that already exists in the society. However, this may be done in a way that recipient of messages doesn't not really understand but have a hint on.
Photography advertising has brought a major concept in the consumerism of goods and the representation of different forms of popular cultures. The output photography in advertising has been a major interest to the media and culture studies, but it needs a set of their goals especially in the presentation and dramatisation of pictures. Just as Watkins shares his ideas on the issue, the primary goal of advertisers should be based on the level of understanding that consumers have on several adverts. Research based on consumer related feedback on the illusions created by advertisements therefore needs to be developed.

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