Viruses Can Make Real Zombies

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Even though they seem unrealistic, zombies can be created and are realistic due to these several things that can happen in the brain that can cause a person to act like a them. Parasites and viruses can cause these things, however, viruses are the closest to realism due to how they can spread. Everything wrong with a zombie is likely caused by their brain because of the way they behave. However to understand all this you need to understand how viruses work.
Viruses can do many different things to a body, they can destroy, corrupt, and take over cells in the body. They can damage parts of the body or make your body destroy itself, viruses are dangerous but sometimes can be cured. Viruses do not have the enzymes needed to carry out life so they use other’s cells, called a host cell, to live and to perform their functions, such as reproduction. Viruses inject their genetic instructions into a cell causing the cell to create viruses materials, which become new viruses, and usually break the side of the cell destroying it. The viruses can cause parts of the brain to react and activate, causing behavioral changes. For example a disease called Toxoplasmosis can alter rat behavior, while it affects humans in a different way than rats, its an example of what viruses can do. The virus switches the triggers that causes neuronal reactions for fear and arousal, so that what causes fear actually cuses arousal. This is so that the rat gets eaten by a cat and a parasite (which injects the virus) inside the rat can reproduce in a cat. A virus doesn’t simply just head to the brain to cause these things, as there is a “shield” around the brain that protects it from everything. This “shield” is called the Blood Brain Barrier, the BBB, which molecul...

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18 May 2014.
Freudenrich, Craig, Ph.D. "How Viruses Work." HowStuffWorks.,
19 Oct. 2000. Web. 18 May 2014. .
Verstynen, Tim, and Bradley Voytek. "Diagnosing a Zombie: Brain and Body." YouTube.
YouTube. Web. 18 May 2014. .
Diagnosing a Zombie: Brain and Behavior, Part 2. Perf. Tim Verstynen & Bradley
Voytek. TED-Ed. YouTube. Web. 18 May 2014. .
Mayo Clinic Staff. "Epilepsy." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 May 2014.

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