Virtualization technologies provide isolation of operating systems from hardware. This separation enables hardware resource sharing. With virtualization, a system pretends to be two or more of the same system [23]. Most modern operating systems contain a simplified system of virtualization. Each running process is able to act as if it is the only thing running. The CPUs and memory are virtualized. If a process tries to consume all of the CPU, a modern operating system will pre-empt it and allow others their fair share. Similarly, a running process typically has its own virtual address space that the operating system maps to physical memory to give the process the illusion that it is the only user of RAM.
Figure 2 1 Virtualization
2.1 Virtual Machine
The first machine to fully support virtualization was IBM’s VM. Virtual machine (VM) encapsulates an operating system and application in one unit. Virtualization provide an ability to run entire VM including its own operating system i.e. guest operating system on another operating system i.e. host operating system.
2.2 Hypervisor
Hypervisor is also known as virtual machine monitor (VMM). The VMM is a thin software layer that runs directly on a physical machine’s hardware. On top of the virtual machine monitor, there can be one or more virtual machines. The VMM provides each virtual machine with a set of virtual interfaces that resemble direct interfaces to the underlying hardware. Applications on a virtual machine can run without modification as if they were on running on a dedicated physical machine. The
VMM allows multiple virtual machines to be running at the same time and transparently multiplexes resources between them [Gol74]. The VMM also isolates the virtual machines from on...
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... the migration transit path and associated network stream, an attacker can extract information from the memory of the migrating VM such as passwords, keys, application data, and other protected resources [17].
Table 2 1 VM Migration Attacks & Its Countermeasures
Attack Attack Vector Countermeasure
Man-In-Middle Unsecured Network route Proper SSL Configuration or Strong Encryption Algorithm
VM Diversity Dom0 of Hypervisor TCCP (Trusted Cloud
Computing Platform)
False Resource Advertisement Access Policy Properly Configured Firewall Rules
Information Leakage Unsecured transmission route VLAN, Proper SSL Configuration or Strong Encryption Algorithm
DOS Vulnerable Hypervisor,
Access Policy Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Properly defined access Policies rules
Data Remanence Improper Storage policies Strong Encryption Scheme, Zeroing/Reset or deletion of Left-Image
Firewall features are provided at the base of network virtualization platforms to bring about segmentation. It allows automated provisioning and context sharing across virtual platforms which lead to increased visibility and security across applications on virtual or physical workloads. This would have been impossible in the past as it would compromise either security or performance. Improved security through virtualization helps you gain mileage over challenges that would otherwise ruin your reputation among clients (Kotsovinos,
Virtual machines operate based on the computer architecture and functions of a real or hypothetical computer, and their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination of both.
For that hardware virtualisation is more beneficial to handle all servers together and provide data from data centre of server to user virtual desktop.
Osborn, J., & Challener, D. (2013). Trusted platform module evolution. Johns Hopkins Apl Technical Digest, 32(2),
Sandboxing the app allows for removing certain privileges to be temporarily revoked. Thus sandboxing can provide effective malware protection in some cases. A hardware sandbox is further helpful in protection key hardware re...
Because of the robust Linux programmer community, several “flavour’s” of Linux (known as “vendors”) are available, and each is specialized in a slightly different way. This robust operating system is being widely adopted by IT professionals in growing businesses because of its high quality, reliability, and price.
The fundamental idea behind a virtual machine is to remove the hardware of a single computer and make it a self-contained operating environment that behaves as it is a separate computer. Essentially, the virtual machine is software that executes an application and isolates it from the actual operating system and hardware. CPU scheduling and virtual-memory techniques are used so that an operating system can create the illusion that a process has its own processor with its own (virtual) memory. The virtual machine provides the ability to share the same hardware yet run several different operating systems concurrently, as shown in Figure 2-11.
Virtual reality can be defined as a, "technology that enables users to enter computer generated worlds and interface with them three dimensionally through sight, sound, and touch" (Newquist 93). Virtual reality combines computer simulation and visualization into a single, coherent whole (Peterson 8). Researchers say it embodies an attempt to eliminate the traditional distinction between the user and the machine. Virtual reality is intended to provide a means of naturally and intelligently interacting with information (8). Virtual reality is contending to be the interface of the future, allowing ordinary users to use their senses to interact with complex data.
Paging is one of the memory-management schemes by which a computer can store and retrieve data from secondary storage for use in main memory. Paging is used for faster access to data. The paging memory-management scheme works by having the operating system retrieve data from the secondary storage in same-size blocks called pages. Paging writes data to secondary storage from main memory and also reads data from secondary storage to bring into main memory. The main advantage of paging over memory segmentation is that is allows the physical address space of a process to be noncontiguous. Before paging was implemented, systems had to fit whole programs into storage, contiguously, which would cause various storage problems and fragmentation inside the operating system (Belzer, Holzman, & Kent, 1981). Paging is a very important part of virtual memory impl...
Over the years society has changed in many different ways. In particular, technology has been the largest change that has occurred over the year. Only a few years ago the iPhone came out and it has forever changed the way people view their phone. Internet has also become very assessable resource. There are places everywhere to access a computer or free Wi-Fi. These changes have led to the alteration of the accessibility and use of technology in the education setting. The changes made to technology in the education setting have led to many positive outcomes that have allowed many types of people access to education that could not get it prior. There are however, many critics that refute these changes and say that virtual education can be biased and expensive. Although, there are many critics that do not agree with technology in education, have this can give access to many students with disabilities as well as people who have limited time or ability to further an education.
The term of virtual reality was found by Jaron Lanier a founder of VPL researcher at 1989.He is also known as an American writer, computer scientist and composer of classical music. Virtual reality is computer generated 3D environments which user can enter and interact with virtual environment by using of electronic devices such as keyboard, mouse, wired glasses, shutter glasses its involves real time simulation. “The user able to “immerse” themselves to varying degrees in the computer s artificial world which may either be a simulation reality” ( (Pont, 1995) .Virtual reality is for human to visualize with auditory and touch sensation. There are few types in virtual reality which are immersive virtual reality, argument virtual reality, desktop virtual reality and video mapping reality. Immersive virtual reality system make user feeling involvement in the virtual world and equipped with Head Mounted Display known as HMD. Another type is argument virtual reality .Argument virtual reality is integrate computer generated virtual objects into physical world. Furthermore, desktop virtual reality involves three dimensional (3D) on regular desktop without any tracking equipment like playing games. Lastly, video mapping virtual reality allows user interact with body like jumping, hand move with the virtual world. The often hardware are use in virtual reality which are Head Mounted Displays, glove, stereoscopic displays will make user feel of in virtual world when they use these hardware’s although they in real world. Technological development in virtual reality 3D help many area like education, medical, surgery, manufacture, military, architecture, entertainment, prototype and so on. It...
Cloud computing is a type of computing that depends on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal device to handle applications.
In this report I will be going over the different parts and components which make up a basic computer system in detail, including parts such as the three box model and IO mapping.
Virtual Reality allows designers and developers to create an experience that is not real, but gives the effects and the experience as being real, hence, a virtual reality! There are many ways in which this can be used such as for games, simulations, training, experiencing a distant location from the comfort of your home and so much more.
So what is virtual reality? It is sometimes referred to as immersive multimedia, it is a computer-simulated environment that can simulate some physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Most current virtual reality are primarily visual experience displayed either on a computer screen or through a head-mounted display. Some simulations include additional sensory information such as sound, tactile information or force feedback in medical, gaming and military applications. Furthermore, virtual reality covers remote communication environments which provide virtual presence of users with the concepts (Wikipedia, 2014).