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Psychological effects of tv violence on child development
Media Violence: Does media violence cause violent behavior? Essay
Psychological effects of tv violence on child development
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Although violence is not a new concept in society, it has become a much bigger issue than in years past. An increase in violent tendencies can be attributed to many factors including media violence. Mass violent attacks have become much more prevalent and violence amongst youths (the main demographic of violent media) is on the rise. The causes of violence are multifactorial, and range from mental health illness to one’s family life at home. But research has shown that violent media also plays an important role in triggering violent behavior. Research has shown a strong correlation between at risk youth and violent behavior. Violent media surrounds children today from a multitude of mediums from television to video games. Prolonged exposure to violent media becomes a risk factor and can result in children becoming desensitized to violence. Overtime, violence becomes a fact of life and children lose their ability to sympathize with the victim. Exposure to violent media does not itself induce violence but it is a risk factor and can strongly influence those predisposed to a violent nature. Through an analysis of more than 200 studies, researchers showed the short-term effect of exposure to violent media had a moderate to large correlation. Media violence can have a quantifiable, adverse effect on children as they learn to view violence as means of positive conflict resolution. According to Strasburger and Grossman, (2001) the offenders of recent school shootings were exposed to and captivated by many different forms of violent media. Children are more susceptible to being influenced by their surroundings and, unlike adults, they cannot always distinguish between reality and fiction. Violent media has a clear, negative effect on the ...
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...hieve the same status as their idol.
Overall, violent media places our children in unnecessary danger. There is no way to end violence in the media, but by understanding its effects on children, society can develop new ways to protect our youth. Never before in history has media been so prevalent and accessible. Humans are most vulnerable and easily influenced when they are children. Yet, children are exposed to an unnecessary amount of gratuitous violence in the media for excessive amounts of time for a week (28 hours per week). This is time that could be spent playing outside and developing positive social skills; instead they it is spent learning violent behavior. This can potentially lead to aggressive and violent behavior in real life. Violent media has adverse effects on the development of children and can have a serious negative influence on their behavior.
Recently, the effect that violent media has on society has been the focus of many psychological studies. According to an article published in the New York Times, research has found that: “Exposure to violent imagery does not preordain violence, but it is a risk factor” (Pozios, Kambam, Bender, 2013). There has yet to be a direct link between violence actually causing people to go on these massive shooting sprees that have been so common lately. It is natural and understandable for the
When families sit down to watch television, they expect to watch family type of shows. Family type shows meaning rated PG or PG13, sitcoms and movies that do not include weapons, killing, foul language, and non-socially accepted actions. When children killing, they start to believe that it is accepted. Do children think that killing and hurting others and themselves have little meaning to the real life, children can become traumatized. Most killers or violators of the law blame their behavior on the media, and the way that television portrays violators. Longitudinal studies tracking viewing habits and behavior patterns of a single individual found that 8-year-old boys, who viewed the most violent programs growing up, were the most likely to engage in aggressive and delinquent behavior by age 18 and serious criminal behavior by age 30 (Eron, 1). Most types of violence that occur today links to what people see on television, act out in video games or cyberspace games, or hear in music. Media adds to the violence that exists today and in the past few decades. It will continue in the future if it is not recognized as a possible threat to our society. When kids go to a movie, watch television, play video games or even surf the web, they become part of what they see and hear. Soaking violence in their heads long enough becomes a part of the way they think, acts, and live. The line between pretend and reality gets blurred.
There are a lot of people who either wonder or believe that violent media is bad for people and mostly children. Not all violent media is bad. Sometimes when people have a stressful day they will play video games to let off steam. A few people like watching horror movies because of the thrill of being scared. But if you’re a kid with no friends or you are alone most of the time, you might enjoy comic books. They are filled with action and heroes. Doing any of these can give off a sense of adventure, thrill, and excitement. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to go off and start hurting people because of it. There is a lot of evidence that states the media affects viewers by encouraging violent behavior and weakening their creative ability. The question is whether the media is truly the problem, or is it the parental role that is the problem.
With today’s technology and media presence, a child may watch more violence in thirty minutes than an adult experiences throughout their whole life.
According to John Davidson's essay Menace to Society, "three-quarters of Americans surveyed [are] convinced that movies, television and music spur young people to violence." While public opinion is strong, the results of research are divided on the effects of media violence on the youth in this country. Davidson wrote that most experts agree that some correlation between media violence and actual violent acts exists, yet the results are contradictory and researchers quibble about how the effects are to be measured (271). Moreover, Davidson is not convinced that the media is the sole problem of violence, or even a primary problem. He points out that other factors, such as "poverty, the easy accessibility of guns, domestic abuse, [and] social instability" may have a greater impact on a child becoming violent than the influence of the media (277). Even though other forces may be stronger, media violence does have some adverse effects on the members of society. If senseless violence on television and in movies had no effect, it would not be such a hotly debated topic. What type of effects and whom they affect are the most argued aspects of the discussion.
People have to suffer many difference social pressures so they need a way to relax the pressures. Watching violent films, images and playing violent games is a quick and easy way to relax their pressures; for this reason, there are more and more people like to see violent things from media, and as long as there is a demand for this violent information, the financial incentive for media companies will be there. In general, media violence can affects people in three different ways. The first one is leading people to solve their problem through violent means. People always can see many incidents of violence happening in media, and media always embellish the violent means to be a cool way to solve a problem. As time gone on, when they are put in bind in their social life, they will do the violence way to solve their problem. The second effect is imitation. Sometime people will copy the plots of what they like in media to make it happen. The third effect cause people having wrong perception of the world. Overmuch, media violence cause people believe violence is everywhere and lead them to do violent behaviors. Now, media is needful for people’s society; however, media is full of violence, many empirical studies have demonstrated that media violence indirectly instigates violent and aggressive behavior and aggressive thoughts. Media violence affects negative, and it cause many severe problem to people’s society.
Many Americans feel that the viewing of violence in the media reinforces negative behavior in society, especially among children and young adults. "Three thousand studies have been done since 1955 on the link between television and violence; 2,980 of them found a correlation between the two. We hear little about that because we get most of our news from television" (Peterson). With this much research one must acknowledge that there is a problem in America involving sex and violence in the media. We cannot blame all societal problems on the media and its portrayal of these issues, but we can become educated, ourselves, in order to better facilitate the healthy lives of our children.
In a research analysis of Media and Violence, studies show that “Although the typical effect size for exposure to violent media is relatively small ... this ‘small effect’ translates into significant consequences for society as a whole” (“Media and Violence: An Analysis of Current Research”, 2015). This states violent behaviors can come from the smallest variables, or clips from videos, which is why it is important for parents to control what their kids see, read, and watch, and limit the amount of violence exposure.
In an article written by Kevin D. Browne and Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis out of Lancet, dated 2/19/2005, Volume 365 in issue 9460, on page 702 a collection of research shows short-term effects increasing the likelihood of aggressive or fearful behavior in younger children, especially in boys. It also shows research stating that there is a very weak correlation directly between media violence and acted out aggression. This article basically states that violent media being watched by children does impression and arouse some, but does not associate strongly with violent acts. This would help explain the fact that millions of kids watch violent television shows and remain nonviolent.
This argument assumes that, under normal conditions, worry about violence reduces its use. Media may, however, inspire aggressive behaviour by desensitising children to the effects of violence. The more televised violence a child watches, the more acceptable aggressive behaviour becomes for that child. Frequent viewing of television violence may cause children to be less anxious about violence.
Violent media is everywhere, from commercials to billboards, causing parents to question if it is good for their children to be experiencing the violence. Yet, there is violence in everyday life, making it hard for parents to be able to shield their children from it. Educational tools contain items that are considered violent, such as the novel Odyssey by Homer, so video games and violent movies are not the only type of media that introduces violence to children. Still, some believe that violent media has caused school shootings, such as the one that happened at Columbine High School in 1999, but is this really the case?
No single factor can cause children or adults to act aggressively. Instead, it is the accumulation of risk factors that leads to an aggressive act. Hundreds of studies look into the issue of violent media, it always seems to end up the same place with three major effects including increasing aggressive behavior in a variety of forms, desensitization, and spurs fear. Not every viewer will be affected noticeably, but we know that every viewer is affected in some way. Some have argued that violent media are the primary cause of mass shooting. Others have argued that there is no solid evidence of any harmful effects of violent media. But it is clear is that exposure to media violence is one of risk factors increased aggressive behavior, desensitization, and fear.
But just how much does it affect them? If they affect children at all? Separating other factors that can influence violent behavior is almost impossible. Can you really separate media violence from all the other factors that can influence violent behaviors? (Rochman.) Real life has more of an effect than fantasy violence (Cutler.) For instance, children who have a parent who went to jail are more likely to go to the jail than children who watch the violent animated cartoon Happy Tree Friends.If a child has have abusive parents or siblings, ther...
By the time a child reaches the age of one, they see about 200,000 acts of violence on television. (Nakaya, 3). The Media has been becoming more and more violent over the years. A poll in an issue of Times Magazine, from 2005, showed that 66 percent of Americans think that there is an abundant amount of graphic acts of violence on televisions (Nakaya, 18). People are exposed to thousands of acts of violence through video games, television, and movies. Many studies show that media violence increases violent behavior in in humans. Studies show, violent video games, and graphic television have physiological effects on children. The government has very few regulations on media violence. Some people believe the government shouldn’t limit content because others might be insulted by its material. Media violence is such a broad topic and has such a large presence in daily lives, so we cannot simple get rid of it. The Federal Communications Commission stipulates, “By the time most children begin the third grade, they will have spent the equivalent of three school years in front of a television set.” Even though the government shouldn’t censor the media, Media violence is becoming a serious issue because it is becoming more violent, it makes people behave violently, and it has little regulations.
The first effect of mass media on teenagers is violence. Aggressive behavior is the first example of violence in the media. Aldridge argues that, teens who watch violent movies may behave in an aggressive way towards others for example bullying and fighting in school. This is important because there are high risks of teenage developing into aggressive behavior that may last into adulthood if they are not being supervised on what they see on TV (2010). Fearful of the world may also occur for those who watch violence television programs. According to children and television violence, teens that are being over exposed to violent on television may worry about becoming a target of violence. The relevance of this idea is that teenagers will more likely grow up thinking that the world is a scary place and that something bad will happen to them (2008). Imitative behavior is another major effect of seeing violence in the media. According to Weldon, two teens from Johnstown, Colorado, killed a 7 year old girl by beating her to death. The teens claimed that they were imitating moves from a video game called “Mortal Combat.” This is an example case which shows that violence in the video game may lead to an imitating behavior (2007).