Violence and Rivalry in Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is about two star crossed lovers who’s families have a big rival vary and this rival vary will stop Romeo and Juliet from being together this play is set in Italy and in the city of Verona i am going to concentrate on the following three acts and scenes act 3 scene 5 , act 5 scene 3 and act 1 scene 1 .

In act 3 scene 5 we see a lot of conflict between Lord Capulet and Juliet we can see this from the following line “Hang thee, young baggage disobedient wretch!” this line shows that there is conflict because Lord Capulet is calling Juliet a “disobedient wretch” which negative language and that make the audience believe that he is angry so that means there must be some sort of conflict going on i would stage this scene by making the setting in Juliet’s bedroom and i would have Lord Capulet having an argument with Juliet in Juliet’s bedroom.

Similarly we see a glimpse of conflict in the same scene we can infer this from the following line “Speak not, reply not, do not answer me!” this line shows conflict because Lord Capulet is angry at Juliet so he is telling her not to talk to him this shows conflict by telling Juliet not to talk and this is a result of the conflict . this appeals to the audience because they would want to know what happens between Juliet and Lord Capulet I would stage this scene by setting this scene in Juliet’s bedroom and make Lord Capulet to act as if he was angry and Juliet to act as if she was upset.

In act 5 scene 3 we also see some conflict go on we can infer this from the following line “O Lord they fight” we know this line shows conflict because the line says “they fight” this indicates to the audience there is conflict going on and that may have started this brawl so the braw...

... middle of paper ... the same towards Montague

In act 1 scene 1 we also see an example when Tybalt starts off a fight this is an example of conflict we can infer this from the following line “ As I hate all Montague’s , and thee have at thee coward” this line shows that Tybalt is telling them that he hates them and they are cowards so a they fight this is an example of conflict. This keeps the audience interested because they want to know what happens next and who will get into trouble. I would stage this scene by making Tybalt act as if he was really angry i would set it at outside a bistro .

In conclusion the purpose of Shakespeare using all this conflict and violence in the play is to make the audience interested so to make sure they don’t get bored they include all this violence and conflict Shakespeare shows all of this too make the audience on the edge of their seats .

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