Vinny Ohh And The Controversy Of Self-Expression And Identity

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What is the big deal with Vinny Ohh and the controversy of self-expression and Identity?

Vinny Ohh is a twenty-two-year-old “male” who has struggled with his appearance and sexuality from a young age and wants to modify his body to the extent of becoming a self-proclaimed “genderless alien”. His goal is to remove all organs that are associated with the sexuality of any kind, in reference to genitalia, belly button, and nipples. There is the right to self-expression but within reason. Overall, body modification is “fine” within its limits that do not cause harm or the potential of harm to a person, Vinny Ohh does not understand entirely what he plans on doing to himself.
There are many dangers involved with body modification, on both the physical and mental effects. There are required therapy lengths for gender reassignment, but with a procedure of this …show more content…

Those who participate in severe body modifications are associated with a “higher incidence of prior suicidality.” This is diagnosed proof of mental illness has an effect on the human brain and decision making. Body modifications can also be viewed as self-harm as the rush of dopamine that comes with certain procedures. Having obsessive control over one's own body is unhealthy and a sign of BDD (body dysmorphic disorder).
In an observational study of 200 individuals with BDD over the course of 5 years, the rate of completed suicide was 22 to 36 times higher than the general population. BDD is a lot more common in the recent generations, severe body modifications are a sign of deeper mental issues than what it may seem on the surface.The reality of the situation is that Vinny Ohh’s decision to become a “genderless alien” is more of a cry for attention, which can be scientifically linked to mental disorders that require medical

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