Video Games Informative Speech

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In this day and age, videogames are everywhere in our society. Over a billion people play videogames worldwide, that’s about a seventh of the earth’s population, and the average gamer spends about six and a half hours a week playing videogames. Believe it or not, both of those numbers are continuing to grow. With all that time spent on videogames you would probably begin to wonder if or how it’s effecting you. Videogames are filled with fictional violence, but do they really have any effect on how you think and act. Will playing violent videogames turn you into a psychopathic homicidal maniac? After all, many school shooters as well as other mass killers were found to have spent a large amount of time playing violent videogames. However, …show more content…

It was a dreadfully tragic event in which in 20 twenty students and six teachers were murdered. Rumors started to spread that Adam Lanza, the shooter, was addicted to violent videogames and so he brought that violence into the real world, however, that is not the case. Adam had a wide variety of videogames that included both violent and non-violent alike. Of all the games that played he though, the one he spent the most time playing was Dance Dance Revolution. It was also the only game that got a noteworthy mention in the final sandy hook report. Adam Lanza, like the other shooters I have talked about, was not your ordinary person. He was obsessed with other mass shootings, columbine in particular, and spent a large amount of his time posting to a mass killer website called Shocked Beyond Belief. Police also found disturbing videos and images of suicides, mass shootings, guns and the shooter himself holding various weapons to his head, on Adam’s computer. Adam also had had mental health issues since elementary school but, both him and his mom neglected to get him any help and he refused to take medications of any type. He ended up locking himself in his room in the basement and rarely communicated with his mother, and when he did he usually just sent her an email. All that time spent alone in the basement really took its toll on …show more content…

The cons of banning violent videogames far outweigh the pros though. Violent video games actually have a bigger impact on the U.S. economy than you may think. Over 150,000 people are directly and indirectly employed by the entertainment software industry and that number is only growing. Direct employees make about $95,000 which totals up into a massive national compensation of over $4 billion. If violent videogames were banned that would put an immense sum of people out of jobs, which is obviously a major con. The entertainment software industry has added more than $6.2 billion to the U.S.A’s gross domestic product. So, as you can probably see violent video games being banned would hurt our economy greatly. As I talked about previously violent video games do not cause any substantial amount of aggression and have essentially helped in decreasing violent crimes. Banning violent video games may be thought of as a way to protect children, however, it is the parent’s job to decide what is appropriate for their kid and what their child can handle. We should also be more worried about other greater problems that are going on right now.
To conclude playing a violent videogame is not going to turn you into a homicidal maniac, it won’t turn you into an insensitive, uncaring person and worst case scenario it might raise your aggression by a very miniscule amount. Videogames are nothing more than

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