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Benefits of vegetarian diet
Benefits of vegetarian diet
Benefits of vegetarian diet
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“...going vegetarian is the single best thing we can do for ourselves as well as for your families,” says Dr. Lina Van (Panchal 27). Choosing to go vegetarian promotes good health, a longer life, helps fight diseases, and can even help people lose weight (Nikki and David Goldbeck 4-7). Specifically, a vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, shellfish, and poultry. A lacto-vegetarian also does not eat eggs, but can eat dairy products, while an ova-vegetarian can eat eggs, but not dairy products (Panchal 27). Hence a vegetarian diet may seem quite restrictive, but the lifestyle choice could save your life and lead to more adventures in eating (Nikki and David Goldbeck 4-7). A vegetarian diet in America dates back to the colonial times. Vegetarian recipes from this time period come from places such as New England, the South, the Pennsylvania Dutch, the Southwest, and more. However, back in the colonial time, meat was considered only a side dish to the main course of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains (Atlas 13-14). On another note, a vegetarian diet could save the environment, eradicate suffering for animals, and could terminate diseases and other health predicaments. Research has shown that people should change to a vegetarian diet, because it is beneficial to many aspects of life, and is a healthier and safer selection of food rather than a diet containing meat.
A vegetarian lifestyle contributes to saving the environment and even saving the world. First of all, by repudiating to eat meat could contribute to water conservation. Specifically, the amount of water used to raise animals is about half of the water used in the United States. For instance, it takes about 2,640 gallons of water to produce only one pound of beef. If one pe...
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... meat is not needed to secure the amount of iron demanded by the body, instead a vegetarian can eat vegetables such as legume, beans, soybeans, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, and more to reach that amount of iron (Panchal 27).
Works Cited
Atlas, Nava. Great American Vegetarian. New York: M. Evans, 2002. Print.
Freedman, Rory, and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Bitch. Philadelphia: Running, 2005. Print.
Goldbeck, Nikki, and David Goldbeck. Enemy of the Steak. Garden City Park, NY: Square One, 2007. Print.
Hall, Don. "Why Be a Vegetarian?" Vibrant Life May-June 2010. General Reference Center Gold. Web. 30 Oct. 2011.
Neithercott, Tracey. "Vegging Out." Diabetes Forecast June 2008. General Reference Center Gold. Web. 31 Oct. 2011.
Panchal, Chhaya. "Health Rocks-A Vegetarian Diet Is Good for the Planet." Skipping
Stones Summer 2009. Web. 28 Oct. 2011.
People can be classified into two categories, meat eaters and non meat eaters. Meat eaters or carnivores are common in society so there has to be a tremendous amount of meat production to meet these needs. But has anyone ever thought about the amount of fuel and energy it takes to make it and how it would ultimately destroy the Earth? Many have and it revealed to them that the cost of being a vegan or vegetarian is far less than continuing their carnivorous ways. Two authors have their opinions to offer, even if they are on the same side of the argument and want to convert people to being a vegan. In “Eating Green” Margaret Lundberg states why becoming a vegan is healthy, not only for the person, but also the environment. John Vidal’s “10 Ways Vegetarianism Can Help Save the Planet”
Appropriately planned vegetarian diets can be essential to any one, in any stage of their life. Vegetarian diets are associated with lower risks of cancer, death from ischemic heart disease or any cardiovascular disease. Also lower body mass index (BMI), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, low blood pressure and lower rates of hypertension than those of which are non-vegetarians.
Being vegetarian opens up so many doors for people. For those who do not know what a vegetarian is or are confused on what they do or eat let me inform you that being a vegetarian simply means that you go off of plant-based diets. Although there are several kinds of vegetarian diets, it is all based on what type of food you are consuming. For example, a strict vegetarians or vegans avoid all foods of animal origin, including meat, poultry, fish, diary products, and eggs. Many people become a vegetarian for different reason according to the Calorie King he states, “being vegetarian means different things to different people, and people follow a vegetarian diet for different reason including health, religion, and ethical beliefs.”(Deusen p.1)
Starting a vegetarian diet requires planning, because there are many nutrients that cannot be received from plants. The major nutrient received from meat is protein. Protein is necessary to rebuild cells and to have strong bones and muscles. Protein is important for a high-energy level and overall good health (Becoming a Vegetarian 2014).Protein, iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and zinc are all vitamins minerals that a vegetarian must find alternative sources of because they are mainly obtained through eating meat (Becoming a Vegetarian 2014).Many vegetarians get these through vitamin supplements. If a person does not get enough iron, they can develop anemia. It is important for a vegetarian to get proper
Being healthy, protecting animals, and saving the environment are the key reasons to become a vegetarian. Adapting to a vegetarian lifestyle will benefit you in several ways and contribute to making our society more livable. Your making a difference, and taking a stand for what you believe in. There are plenty of appetizing recipes for a vegetarian, you will never lack from inefficient amount of food. If you choose to eat meat or not, taking vegetarianism into consideration can only feed your body with nutrients and elongate your delicate life.
With the ever-growing population of animal lovers on earth, a more viable, humane solution for food consumption needs to be made, but why make a solution when there has already been one? Meat consumption has been proven time and time again to be unnecessary, but that doesn’t stop the average person from eating a double cheese burger with bacon. Unfortunately, many people are apathetic to what happens to animals in farm factories and continue to support them by buying their products, however, consumers should consider switching to a vegetarian diet because it’s more humane to animals, less farm factories being built can save the planet from deforestation, and with a proper balanced vegetarian diet anyone can maintain a healthy life without the
Spencer, Colin. The Heretic's Feast: A History of Vegetarianism. Hanover, NH: U of New England, 1996. Print.
Society has recently become increasingly obsessed with health and nutrition, as more and more individuals realize that they can dramatically change their quality of life by adjusting their diet and lifestyle. One way that people have tried to pursue a healthier lifestyle, is by removing meat and other animal products from their diets, whether they become a strict vegetarian who eats no animal byproducts, or a lacto-ovo vegetarian who still eats eggs and dairy. As with any other lifestyle, research is always being done to see if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, and so far, the results of vegetarian diets have been encouraging. Vegetarian diets have proven to decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other health problems. With a little planning and dedication, a vegetarian diet will be healthier and more beneficial than a traditional diet
A United Nations report states that land used for animal agriculture, both for grazing and production of crops fed to livestock, takes up an astounding 30% of land on Earth. ("Meat Production Wastes Natural Resources") To meet the industry’s demands, over 260 million acres of forest in the U.S. have been cleared to grow grain fed to farm animals. ("Meat Production Wastes Natural Resources") With that in mind, the meat industry also dumps disease-causing pathogens through animal waste that pollutes water and forces the need for waste lagoons to be constructed, which are susceptible to leaking and flooding. ("Facts about Pollution from Livestock Farms”) Scientists say that about 14% of the world’s greenhouse gases are released by said agriculture industries, which is a growing concern for climate change and global warming. (Silverman) The meat industry uses one-third of all the fossil fuels consumed in the United States. (Moore) There is no question that farming animals has a negative effect on the environment and steps should be taken to mitigate air and water pollution risks and future deforestation. If animal agriculture was phased out, land used for animal grazing could be returned to forest land and some of it converted into fields for cultivating crops for humans. A global shift toward veganism, resulting in the elimination of the meat and animal agriculture industries, would protect the environment from various detrimental effects.
...ming I will be willing to contribute in any way that I can, and becoming a vegetarian will help the environment a great deal. Becoming a vegetarian can also lead to becoming a healthier person and living a healthy lifestyle. And lastly, the way animals are killed and treated in factory farms are unethical and they should not be treated the way they are just to create a meal for the next person.Consider that the animal you are eating was a vegetarian and the meat contains all the minerals and vitamins of the plant foods it ate when you eat it. Along with fats yourbody needs in substantial amounts to stay healthy.....more on the fats later. Meat is as close to a complete meal as you can get because of this.
Albert Einstein once said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." As people move into a more health conscious society, vegetarianism is becoming a popular choice. While some people cannot imagine a day without meat, others are convinced that a vegetarian lifestyle is the better option. There are numerous benefits of being a vegetarian. Some of the reasons are as follows: vegetarianism has multiple health paybacks, is far better for the environment, and is morally sound. Most people believe that vegetarianism is unhealthy, goes against our natural diet, and unnecessary, however, a vegetarian diet offers many health benefits and is more ethical than an omnivorous existence.
However, many people still refuse to be a vegetarian for different reasons. Some people prefer the taste of meat, and some people believe that they are born to eat meat. Despite that about 2 billion people in the world live basically on the meat diet, around 4 billion people live mainly on a plant-based diet because of food shortage(Pimentel & Pimentel, 2003, pp660S). As everyone knows, the number of population is growing. For example, the total U.S. population doubled in the previous 60 years, and it may double again in the next 70 years (Pimentel & Pimentel, 2003, pp660S). People won’t have enough meat to eat in the future. On the other hand, a well-planned vegetarian diet offers many health benefits. Therefore, people should become vegetarian because it benefits to huma...
As we can now observe, vegetarianism has become something fashionable, and the number of people who reject eating meat is constantly increasing. In Britain, for instance, over 5 million people have done it so far. It is obviously connected with the recent animal diseases, but this tendency is likely to spread on the other regions of the world. However, it is not only a fashion or fear of illnesses. I myself became a vegetarian about 2 years ago, and I can see a number of reasons why people should stop eating meat. They are mainly of ethic, economic and health type. Those who think in an ecological way should also be aware of how this meat consumption ruins our environment. I don’t have an intention to force anybody to become a vegetarian, but I hope that my argumentation would be strong enough to make some people think about it, at least. In this essay I will try to present this point of view, expressing my personal feelings and showing scientific facts about the problem.
Vegetarians tend to be healthier than those who consume meat. This is due to the prevalent unnatural chemicals used in the processing of meats, and eating these are unsuitable for the body. Meats already contain harmful amounts of cholesterol, and over-consumption of red meat can lead to early heart disease. Animals that are raised on farms for their meat are not treated well, and this mistreatment can lead to harm in the meat they are producing. Although one life choice cannot change one’s environmental
... middle of paper ... ... The vegetarian diet is one that provides the body with many essential nutrients. These nutrients include fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.