Varun The Oldest Greek Gods

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For being one of the oldest deities, Varuna, who is the god of the ocean and ruler and creator of the sky, was known for being superior and “all knowing.” He lives in the highest world and has an immense amount of knowledge.
The meaning of this god’s name is “he who covers.”. His name also follows the Sanskrit root which means the act of enveloping. It is also said his name may also be derived from the Proto-Indo-European root * or *. Varuna is also dated back to the 14th century where inscriptions were located in Bogazkoy, Turkey. These inscriptions also theorize that the Uru-Van--, a deity pro-typical for later gods. (contributors, 2017) Varuna was, not just one, but two types of gods. He also measured out the three worlds: As the sky god, Varuna was depicted as an old man with a noose made from a snake for which he would use on unlawful people.Varna had many …show more content…

It was in 800-1200 B.C where Varuna had been mentioned less and less. His powers were dimmed to “Guardian of the directions” and only ruled the west which was affiliated to his darkness. Though Varuna slowly fell out of topic in this religion, his practices are still taken on till this day. Since his cosmic order of rta, which had turned into a concept for dharma that are practiced by Hindus today to receive peace in the later days.
Varna had many alliances very with gods. The most important one has to deal with the god, Indra. Even these two are opposite from each other, Indra-Varuna, which is their pairing name, they had a very powerful alliance. “I, Varuna, am king…I, Varuna, am Indra
[too]” (Veda 4.42). But as expected, they soon “break up” and turn against each other. Indra finally regains the upper hand and kills Varuna just as he brutally underthrows Dyaus. From this atrocious event, Indra has gained most of Varuna’s old power, and now, Indra’s new power, control over the

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