Vaping Is Harmful

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Many believe that vaping is not harmful to your health but recent findings prove otherwise. I believe that vaping actually is harmful to the body of the vapor as opposed to popular belief that there are no health side-effects. Vaping is extremely harmful to the lungs and heart of the vaper. Vaping is not often considered to be harmful to the lungs because the vape releases vapor and not smoke. There have been many inconclusive research studies but there have been a few recent findings that prove that in reality, vaping is extremely harmful to the lungs. The nicotine in the “nicotine, whatever its source, can harm lung tissue” and nicotine is an ingredient of most vapes. There are certain styles of vape juice that does not have nicotine however professor Charalambos Vlacholoulous of University of Athens Medical School conducted a study with a group from the University to test the difference vaping has on the aorta compared to smoking. Both smoking and vaping stiffens the heart and this is bad because “if the aorta is stiff, you multiply your risk dying either from heart disease or from other causes.” Fox News (2016). This study shows how vaping proves to be harmful to the health of a vapers heart. A major counter argument regarding vape posing a threat hearts is that the research provided is not concrete or controlled we. An example of this is being that after testing the people that smoked having the people vape right after. This would make the data and research inaccurate because the aorta would be previously stiffened from smoking. This is not true concerning the data provided by Charalambos Vlacholoulous because they test subjects were first tested with the vape to see if their hearts were stiffened and following that they were asked to smoke then tested for aortic stiffness. In concussion vaping is harmful to both the vapers lungs and heart. Research proves this with concrete and well conducted data showing negative side effects

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