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Pros and cons of vaccinations
Advantages and disadvantages of vaccination
Benefits of vaccination campaign
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Economically, vaccination is also seen as a positive due to saving money in treatment, care, medical expenses and wages . UNICEF estimated that $6.2 billion can be saved in treatment costs worldwide if vaccines were more prominent in third world countries such as Africa and Asia. Also, by money not being spent on pharmaceutical production, eg. Cold and Flu tablets, money can be invested into immunization saving an average of $27 per $1 spent on vaccination research and production.
Health care is a major global issue that affects millions of people every day. In this paper I am going to review an important health care topic that includes childhood immunizations and religious exemption policies. Immunizations are one of the most cost-effective public health achievements that protect both individuals and the community as a whole. Vaccinated individuals help the community by creating what is called herd immunity for those who cannot be vaccinated due to age or current health conditions get some protection because the spread of contagious disease is contained. High vaccination rates and low incidences of diseases indicators of successful immunization programs.
Mumps, Measles, Whooping Cough, Smallpox, Polio and, Diphtheria are all deadly diseases that were once a death sentence to children and adults around the world, but there is something that can help combat these fatal diseases. Vaccinations can change the course of these lethal diseases, but some families are still refusing to vaccinate the future of the world. Vaccinations can not only be beneficial to the child itself but to rest of humanity as well. There is evidence that goes against false claims bashing vaccination and the positive effects of vaccination overrule all of the negative. Vaccination can have a positive effect on the world due to its life-saving properties, effects on humanity and the extensive amount of safety and care that
Vaccines work. They have kept infants healthy and have saved millions of lives for more than 50 years. Most childhood vaccines are 90% to 99% effective in preventing disease so why would you keep such an advantage away from your child? “ Vaccines are made with a tiny amount of dead or weakened germs. They help the immune system learn how to protect itself against disease. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to keep your child from getting very sick from the real disease.” (healthycanadians.gc.ca).When the word vaccination comes to mind the first thing that should come to our minds is life saving, helpful, and beneficial. Unfortunately not all people would think positively when it comes to vaccinations, they think of the worst that could happen. I understand they want to know the cons to getting the vaccine for their infant, but information can show you that pros outweigh the cons. Vaccinations can not only protect an infant but it goes as far as saving their lives. Society has a strong influence on people 's decisions. In this case society and parental beliefs get in the way of infants well beings.
Every summer before school starts I remember my mom taking me to get all of my vaccines. Although, at first I did not understand the importance I now realize how crucial vaccines truly are. Those vaccines were a major part of what kept me from obtaining harmful diseases or even passing them to other children. Vaccines are one of the safest medical products available and the best defense we have against preventable, contagious diseases. Not only are they beneficial to yourself, but also the rest of the population. Therefore, parents should be required to get their children vaccinated.
Some of the most fatal and dangerous diseases known to the human race are measles, polio, and diphtheria. Before the 1900s, these diseases caused communities to live in fear as they went about their daily activities. Since then, vaccines have been a solution created to prevent people from acquitting these horrendous sicknesses. “In the 20th and 21st centuries, many people in the United States have not personally encountered some of the diseases that are now vaccine-preventable” (p. 132). However, even with a major advancement in medicine, there are still children all across the United States that are being deprived of life saving vaccinations. The universal vaccination dilemma causes moral principles such as beneficence and justice to be debated continuously in regards to how nurses provide care to patients.
“Childhood vaccination is widely regarded as one of the most cost-effective disease prevention interventions” (Madhi, et al 368). Getting children vaccinated and protected from many diseases costs less money and takes very little time, as opposed to the alternative of not getting them immunized and risking them potentially acquiring a vaccine preventable disease. Some vaccine preventable diseases can result in ongoing disabilities which tend to take a large financial toll on families because of lost time at work that is taken to care for a sick child. Additional financial challenges that parents could face if they chose not to vaccinate their child include enormous medical expenses and the cost of potential long-term disability care. Contrarily, having children vaccinated against these diseases is a great investment for families and is often covered by insurance companies at no cost. Research confirms that vaccines are one of the greatest medical achievements and the most cost-effective medical advancement ever established (Lantos, et al
Believe it or not, but investing money in vaccines actually helps our economy. When a person thinks about it, it makes sense. For every vaccine you receive, the less likely you will have to pay medical expenses if you get sick. And that money adds up, “Every $1 invested in immunization returns an estimated $16 in health-care savings and increased economic productivity” (Bustreo par. 4). Using those statistics, every ten dollars a person spends on getting a flu vaccine potentially saves them one hundred-sixty dollars from doctor visits. Imagine what that could do in third world countries where hundreds of people are dying everyday from vaccine-preventable diseases. Imagine how quickly that money could add up. Not only would it save their citizens’ lives, it would actually help their economy
Vaccinations are a particular type of disease preventer with a lot flaws. Vaccines should be non-compulsory. people should have a choice if they want to inject their children with an inactive disease that's up to them. No medicine is perfect most of the time vaccines have had a positive outcome on the majority of the world’s population that have had vaccines. Although the percentage of incidents are low they can still be serious. People say vaccines can lead to autism and other symptoms.
Vaccines are an integral part of modern preventive medicine. Without vaccines, not only would most malignant epidemics still be around, and the world would also be in a much more polluted era. The streets would be littered with diseased, there would have to be mass graves for the dead, and the healthy would have to be quarantined inside a sterile environment.
There is a lot of controversy over immunization shots in our society today. The school where I volunteer at if a child has not been vaccine the child will not be able to attend school until they receive their shots. In my opinion, all children should receive immunization shots to keep other children from getting sick while at school or in someone's care. If a child who does not get any type of immunization shot will become very contagious to other children. By getting immunization shot help minimize the risk of getting a disease from others. By getting immunization shots it keeps from spreading the different disease around others in an early childhood environment. If a child does not get any type of immunization shot the parents should be prepared
“In the past sixty-years, vaccines have helped eradicate smallpox and are close to eradicating polio” (11 Facts About Vaccines). According to recent studies, “vaccines prevent more than 2.5 million deaths each year”(11 Facts About Vaccines). With that information being stated, parents need to consider vaccinating their children in order to assure them against life threatening diseases. Vaccines can save children and their parents time and money, they are safe and effective, and in general can spare their lives in the long run.
There are many benefits of vaccinations that can help cure many viruses and diseases that people deal with daily.
"Vaccination, or inoculation with dead or weakened pathogens, is used to stimulate an immune response in the body to combat a virus. " The vaccination helps the body 's immune system to stay strong and fight the diseases or viruses that may enter the body. The vaccination 's ability to combat the disease will keep the body healthy in multiple ways. People against the mandatory vaccinations will question the safety or how well will the inoculations works. Diseases that once cause deaths , sicknesses, and disabilities are now greatly controlled due to the new vaccinations. Inoculations are making your immune system stronger. When you get vaccinations, it will prevent other disease which is good for the entire country. For example, if there where multiple deadly disease going through the country then tourism would greatly decrease causing a decrease within the economic system. If mostly everyone did not recieve their vaccination because they were not forced then this could possibly create a big ripple effect and greatly effect
How would you feel if the right to choose to vaccinate your child was taken away? What if after the child received their vaccinations they contracted a serious illness or even died from the vaccinations? There are many cases that have shown adverse reactions in children who have had regular or mandatory vaccination series throughout their lives. Throughout our lives, we are introducing foreign particles and chemicals into our body by receiving the vaccinations that are mandated by our jobs or school. These vaccinations start from the time we are born and continue until the day that we die. Not only are we not allowing our body to build an immunity on it’s on, but we are also traumatizing our children by making them receive shots on a routine basis. There are many reasons that vaccinations should not be mandatory, but the most important are the number of vaccinations, ineffectiveness, and side effects.
The last five decades have seen a remarked development in medical treatments. Perhaps the advance of antibiotics has been mentioned as one of these successes in the fight against injection. The progress, which is as important as the presence of antibiotics however, has been the introduction of vaccination programs. Results indicate that immunisation has contributed to the dramatic elimination of serious epidemic diseases (Bigham & Hoefer, 2001, p. 73). The emergence of vaccines therefore, has lessened significantly the spread of certain infectious diseases and saved many lives. This report will indicate the ways in which immunisation has helped to provide direct personal protection to children as well as the establishment of herd immunity.