Va Nursing Home Interview

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As I ponder whom I could possibly interview, my wife suggests, what do you think of interviewing my dad? This immediately appeals to me but there are challenges. He is living in a VA nursing home with early onset dementia. He also has a hard time hearing due to his injuries roughly forty years ago. This would make a phone interview extremely difficult. Instead, I start to formulate a similar idea, what if I interviewed my wife on her experiences as the child of a disabled veteran? I move forward with this idea with a dose of apprehension. I don’t want my wife to relive any pain. During the interview I find just the opposite to happen. Growing up in Plainview, a small town in the Texas panhandle, Beth found the people to be supportive of her family. “Everyone was always supportive of us, in Texas there are a few things we love and our veterans are one of them”. Her Father, Bobby Masters, was injured in the Vietnam War in 1969. “He was a Marine and in his early twenties. One night, just as he laid down to sleep, he was hit by a mortar. They thought that he was dead and put a sheet over him. He started blowing on the sheet to alert people that he in fact was not dead. He was in the hospital for some time …show more content…

She is in the rather unique position to be both a healthcare provider, and also the child of a disabled veteran. She of course would like access to be easier for all of our veterans. There is also the issue that many of these men and women come from a culture of dealing with problems on their own. Bobby once broke his ribs. Try as they did, nobody could get him to go the doctor. “Now that he is getting older and dealing with Alzheimer’s he does have to go more often. I feel since he is considered 100% disabled it has maybe been easier for him to get help he needs. Also, my mom is one to stay on top of the VA and make sure things get

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