Utilitarianism in the World Trade Organization

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Ethical traditions are useful in helping to understand the complex situations found in international relations that occur in an anarchical international system. One way to participate in the international system is through trade with other states. At first glance, trade does not seem unethical, for it benefits those involved. However, trade amongst the world’s various states comes with some dilemmas. This paper will focus on how the World Trade Organization (WTO) acts in a utilitarian manner, producing the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people and causes the least amount of harm to the fewest people as possible.
To begin, it is important to understand utilitarianism is and its basic components. As stated in Nardin and Maple’s Traditions of International Ethics, utilitarianism is a consequentialist tradition meaning the outcomes of an action are the focus of ethical judgment, rather than the act itself. The other premise of utilitarianism is its ability to maximize the utility (satisfaction) of the largest number of individuals while minimizing the amount of harm done. Additionally, there are two types of Utilitarianism that need to be considered when applying the tradition to a real world situation. The first type is act utilitarianism. Here, an act is judged to be utilitarian in nature if it produces the most amount of satisfaction at the time (such as equal division of a pie among friends). The other type of utilitarianism is rule utilitarianism. In rule utilitarianism, the rules that are utilitarian in nature – designed with the intention to maximize satisfaction – are ultimately what are desired. It is important to note that in rule utilitarianism, an action guided by utilitarian principles that...

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...tem is developing (9)
-“At a time when the world trading system is supposed to be taking the interests of developing countries more seriously, the lengthening time to negotiate accession and the uncertainty created by the inadequate legal definition of the price of WTO accession are major concerns” (10)
-“WTO is perhaps the only international economic organization that asks nations to stick to a program of such length.” (10)

Paying the Price for Joining the WTO, A Comparative Assessment of Service Sector Commitments by WTO Members and Acceding Countries
Roman Grynburg, Victor Ognivtsev, Mohammad A. Razzaque
-In the Library: HF1385 .G79 2002

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