Act Utilitarianism Essay

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One of the major players in ethical theories has long been the concept of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism states that in general the ethical rightness or wrongness of an action is directly related to the utility of that action.”Such theories suppose that the only thing that has non derivatives value is the welfare or happiness of sentient being. “(pg. 450) There are two types of Utilitarianism; these are “act” and “rule”. An act utilitarian uses thought processes associated with utilitarianism (i.e. the principle of utility) to make all decisions, this requires a lot of thought and careful calculation. Contrary to an act utilitarian, a rule utilitarian uses the principles of utility to create a set of rules by which they live. Rule utilitarians …show more content…

“ His theory can be called hedonistic act utilitarianism: hedonistic because it sees pleasure and pain as the only things with non derivative value:act utilitarianism because, in answering our question about what makes acts right, it applies the test of utility directly to actions”(pg.450) This means that he believes in a precise calculation of the utility of each possible action in a given situation. These two sovereign masters determine what we ought to do as well as determining what we shall do. Acting as the standards of right,wrong, and cause, effect. The main concept to follow is Bentham’s principle of utility.” By the principle of utility is meant principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever,according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is question: or, what is the same thing in other words, to promote or oppose that happiness. “(pg.458) Bentham refers to utility as the property in any object if it tends to produce: benefit, advantage, pleasure, good, and happiness. In order to prevent happiness of mischief one must see who the party whose interest is at hand. This theory is an axiomatic theory, it cant be proven to be true. He then creates the seven dimensions of pleasure and pain. This will determine how to increase pleasure or decrease pain to better calculate the contributions to happiness outweighing pain. The first four are viewed as circumstances: intensity, duration, certainty/uncertainty, and propinquity/remoteness. The next two are to be deemed to properties of only the act or event, fecundity and purity. The last measurement of pleasure and pain is directly coincided with who will be effected it will be greater or less, the wise vise of extent. Getting a better understanding means putting it into action when in a community setting as well as an individual aspect. Bentham gives the meaning of community as a fake body

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