Unrealistic Standards In Mean Girls

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Unrealistic Standards “Watch where you’re going fat ass!”. Quoted from the famous 2004 movie, Mean Girls, a high school girl hollers this at main character, Regina George, for gaining weight. Being in the middle of the school cafeteria, Regina gets laughed at and ridiculed in front of her peers. While this scene is a laughing stock for people at first watch, it actually does much more for our society than provide a couple of chuckles. It subconsciously instills a line of thinking in adolescence saying that acquiring weight is an abominable thing to do. This is just one example of how the media, in which society views, molds the perception of American beauty in adolescents. The American culture today, through different mediums, displays the message that the ideal female is to be skinny, tall, …show more content…

The truth is that no one actually looks like the photos we see in magazines: literally. In a TV commercial brought on by Dove beauty, the brand revealed the truth behind the camera. The commercial demonstrated how an editor can take an image of a person, completely alter/edit the photo, and turn the individual into someone else. By enhancing the eyes, plumping the lips, volumizing the hair, and thinning the neck, you wouldn’t even recognize the original model. In addition to photo shop, magazines also instill beauty expectations through their words. For example, there is no doubt in my mind that I cannot walk to the supermarket, go to the checkout registrars, and pick up a “How to loose 10lbs fast!” magazine. Needless to say, even the models in these advertisements are not that thin. With the flick of a finger an editor can take off a few inches on the waist or create the trending “thigh gap” adolescents strive for. These magazines, once again, ingrain the notion that you should not be content with your weight and probably need to hop on a

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