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General chemistry vapor pressure answers
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The data of all three unknown solutions resulted in measurements that were all off by at least 7% of the theoretical percentages. For example, the 1st unknown solution was supposed to consist of about 30% Ethanol and around 70% N-Propanol, though the actual data we received put Ethanol at 20% and N-Propanol at around 80%. This 10% margin of error could have been caused by a multitude of mistakes including the liquid evaporating before it was injected, cross-contamination, bubbles within the needle, and students not clicking the button simultaneously as they injected the alcohol. Our teacher warned us about how quickly the alcohols evaporated from the needle and told us to keep our hands at the back of the syringe to prevent as much evaporation
There were no significant error factors that may have affected the arrangement of the lab experiment. Everything went smoothly with relative ease.
Random errors reflect a low precision through high scatter. Increasing the sample size of the number of tablets used will produce more data that can be graphed, and from which a more reliable and representative line of best fit could be produced, ultimately minimising random errors. Additionally, increasing the number of trials for each number of reacting Alka Seltzer tablets would minimise random errors by helping to produce a more precise average change in mass. Modifying the method can also help minimise the effect of random errors, by obtaining more reliable results. For example, instead of cutting the Alka Seltzer tablets in half, whole Alka Seltzer tablets could have been used, and the amount of reacting HCl could have been increased to account for the increase in the number of tablets used for each ample. In doing this, the mass of the reacting Alka Seltzer tablets will be more consistent for each trial, and the state of subdivision of the tablets could be truly kept
3.) Divide your 30g of white substance into the 4 test tubes evenly. You should put 7.5g into each test tube along with the water.
Possible errors include leaving in the test strips for too long, draining too much water into the aquatic chamber (overfilling/watering), and inverting the tubes for a shorter amount of time than required. Although there are many possible human errors that could be committed in this lab, it is important to note that the tools used for water testing could be expired and could therefore not work as well at detecting the proper levels for dissolved oxygen, pH, and nitrate.
How am I going to make it a fair test I will use a clean flask for
In this experiment, there were several objectives. First, this lab was designed to determine the difference, if any, between the densities of Coke and Diet Coke. It was designed to evaluate the accuracy and precision of several lab equipment measurements. This lab was also designed to be an introduction to the LabQuest Data and the Logger Pro data analysis database. Random, systematic, and gross errors are errors made during experiments that can have significant effects to the results. Random errors do not really have a specific cause, but still causes a few of the measurements to either be a little high or a little low. Systematic errors occur when there are limitations or mistakes on lab equipment or lab procedures. These kinds of errors cause measurements to be either be always high or always low. The last kind of error is gross errors. Gross errors occur when machines or equipment fail completely. However, gross errors usually occur due to a personal mistake. For this experiment, the number of significant figures is very important and depends on the equipment being used. When using the volumetric pipette and burette, the measurements are rounded to the hundredth place while in a graduated cylinder, it is rounded to the tenth place.
Possible sources of error in this experiment include the inaccuracy of measurements, as correct measurements are vital for the experiment.
Although I got an accurate set of results I felt that I did not have
One possible source of experimental error could be not having a solid measurement of magnesium hydroxide nor citric acid. This is because we were told to measure out between 5.6g-5.8g for magnesium hydroxide and 14g-21g for citric acid. If accuracy measures how closely a measured value is to the accepted value and or true value, then accuracy may not have been an aspect that was achieved in this lab. Therefore, not having a solid precise measurement and accurate measurement was another source of experimental error.
Jade Lim is young Asian student with little previous exposure to alcohol. After consuming one and a half Bacardi Breezer’s (1.5 standard drinks) she begins to feel nauseas and has a pulsating headache. It is important to understand the mechanism of action of ethanol in order to determine the potential effects on the patient. This report will investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms of ethanol.
Some possible sources of error are how much water was put in the rocket, damaged measuring instruments, and inaccurate distances from the launching pad. The procedure of the lab instructed to put in 250 ML of water into the rocket but that may not have always been the case. Some people could have been holding the beaker which we measured the water in and that can make the water splash around. This would make it hard to get an exact measurement. It is possible people put in more water than instructed to add more fuel. Measuring the water precisely was not a strictly enforced rule and mishappens can happen. This would cause for an unfair advantage or disadvantage to whom did not put the equal amount of water as everybody else for their rocket
the proper way to count a fluid on a hemacytometer. Recently our lab purchased two new
Evaporation is part of our everyday lives. After washing the dishes, after taking a shower, and many more signs of evaporation in our everyday lives, but does every type of liquid evaporate at the same rate? Sometimes liquids may be sitting in one dry place and its molecules might turn into gas molecules, that is the process of evaporation. When energy in certain molecules reaches a specific level, those molecules have a phase change. Evaporation occurs when molecules escape from their liquid and form into vapor. If there was a puddle of water outside, and it was a windy day, the air from the wind can cause an increased rate of evaporation. When a molecule
Alcohol is a class of organic compounds that is characterized by the presence of one or more hydroxyl groups (-OH) attached to a carbon atom. Alcohol was unknowingly produced centuries ago when fermentation occurred to crushed grapes (Pines, 1931). In today’s society alcohol is produced for the use of household products such as varnishes, cleaning products, but is more commercially important in the liquor business. A chemical process called fermentation accomplishes the production of ethanol, the alcohol or liquor. From there, the ethanol goes through distinct processes to become the dark and clear liquors on the store shelves.
There is also the potential of human error within this experiment for example finding the meniscus is important to get an accurate amount using the graduated pipettes and burettes. There is a possibility that at one point in the experiment a chemical was measured inaccurately affecting the results. To resolve this, the experiment should have been repeated three times.