Unit 8 P2 E-Commerce

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Understanding the impact of introducing an e-commerce on organisation.
Unit -8
E-commerce is a trading in products using the internet. E-Commerce over the past 15 to 20 years has had a major impact on society and the way business is done on a global scale. There are three transactions business to business, consumer to consumer and consumer to business. I will be writing about the advantages and the disadvantages of each one.

Global marketplace
An impact of introducing an e-commerce system to an organisation is that they get more customers as they are promoting their product out there; this means that customers will increase and the company will have more demands. This will make the business make revenue as the sales …show more content…

Unlike a transitional business, there are closing times as it is not 24/7 trading site. If a customer has queries, they can send an email. This can be answer by the employees when they are working.

Relatively low start-up and running costs
If a business starts up an online shopping site for customers the cost will be low because the fee of starting an online shopping site compared to an original store the running up cost will be high as the owners has to pay the actual store, the staff, the rent of the store, purchasing stock, paying utility bills (electricity, gas and water etc.) If it is a brand new business theses cost has to be paid up front. For an online store it does not have such high cost, as there no premises to purchase, less employees.

Competitive …show more content…

This is a disadvantage because the company has to give more money and cost to hiring delivery vans is so high that they can satisfy their customers, also the delivery vans will use petrol and will release carbon Emission into the atmosphere which is a disadvantage. Also in a regular store, customers can purchase their item home immediately. When customers shop online, they have to wait until the purchase is delivered.

International legislation
Business nowadays has increased globally and they will have a growing number of laws. legislation for e-commerce business are very complex as most companies like eBay have international legislation laws that say that they cannot sell certain items to people that are younger than 18, in America you have to be 21 to buy certain products like alcohol.


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