Envision a high school student being tormented by what he is wearing, and this doesn’t happen once, instead it happens frequently. You see him become upset, letting his head face the ground, and somewhere inside of you, you feel the same pain that he is feeling. Students in high school are making rude comments about their peers’ clothing, whether it’s the scarf, the jacket, or the socks; they always have something to say. What better way to fix this situation than to arrange uniforms for high school students? The idea of uniforms should highly be considered in order to allow students to feel more confident while at school. Not having students worry about their appearance during school will help the students to not become distracted during a lesson. Demand Media states, “One of the major distractions that schools without uniforms undergo is the student’s focus on the wardrobe of others. In schools with the uniform policy, the playing field is leveled” (Spanner n.pag.). Students focus on others’ clothing, either to judge or to wish to have it. However, with the uniforms, there is no need to want peer’s clothes, because they are wearing the same garments. Of course, students shouldn’t have the need to distress over the fact of what they are to wear to school; instead they should learn to appreciate themselves as a person. They are so caught up with the idea of “I have to wear this” or “No one wears this anymore” that they are forgetting to be themselves; they are forgetting who they truly are. They become stressed; they become anxious over something that should not have such a huge importance in their life. Providing uniforms to high school will reduce the stress and anxiety that has built up in the bodies of the students. Not o... ... middle of paper ... ...rents a low amount of two hundred forty nine dollars. The clothing is durable and able to wear for a long period of time. Students become upset when judged by how they dress, so why not make things simpler and provide uniforms? Worrying about how they dress is a huge distraction during school for students. Making the importance of their appearance brings stress to one’s body, and that is not the right way to go for a student who is trying to succeed in school. There is a slightly high percentage of how many schools require uniforms, and it brings a sense unity within the students. We should take charge in this situation and make school a safer environment for students. You can never argue with the fact that schools need to advise their students that it is a safe place, and providing uniforms is an excellent way to start. Take the challenge, the uniform challenge.
Ever wonder what it would look like to have all students wearing the same white polo shirt, black pants, and a district sweater walking in the hallway? Nowadays, public school and many districts are discussing the possibilities of enforcing the uniform policy. In most places, many private schools already require students to have their mandatory uniforms; however, there are only a few public schools adopting this mandatory school-uniform polices as one of their enrollment requirements. The reason why not all public schools participated was because people believe that they are violating the freedom of choice when enforcing this mandatory uniform policy; yet problems such as bullying and segregation, emerged in these schools. Some people still think uniforms have no benefits at all. However, all public school students should be required to wear uniforms because it would improve the academic performance, reduce the violent behaviors based on appearance judgment, and provide less stress for both parents and students.
In School Uniforms confidence is hard to find in an ugly uniforms. A lot of confidence is found in trying to be unique, people wear things they feel comfortable and confident in. Teachers are always saying how important it is to just be ourselves and not worry about what others might (“I believe”). If were going to make kids wear uniforms at least make it to wear its something everyone is comfortable with, it's understandable that it’s suppose to be professional but, its easier to have just a dress code because, then everyone is happy. Why should people stand in the way of a students fashion choices, people shouldn't discriminate against them, people always say it’s what's on the inside that counts not what’s on the outside. Clothing is a major way in which human beings, especially with teens, communicate their personalities to the world without having to speak or perform physical behaviors (Christopher). Students already have so many things ta...
Nowadays, we see many teenagers dress in spaghetti-strap tank tops, low-cut shirts, drop pants, pajamas, and even spandex shorts in school even though there have been policies about dress codes. Teachers, parents, and other adults feel disgruntled about the way they dress. Many students also complain about difficulties in concentrating on schoolwork because of the same reason. Obviously, what students wear to school has become a very distracting issue in the school environment. Therefore, school uniforms should be required in public schools due to many reasons.
High school is typically a time when kids begin to distinguish themselves from one another. Students begin to develop their own sense of personal style, desperately trying to both fit in and stand out simultaneously. Being self-conscious and often lacking the confidence needed to assert themselves, teens are forced to use clothing and outward appearance as the means to manifest this individuality. Thus, students should not be forced to wear uniforms to school. Standard uniforms are unproven deterrents to student violence; are a "Band-Aid" to cover up the real problems faced by children and teens; and they violate students' right of self-expression, depriving them of their search for identity.
School uniforms should be part of the school systems, because statistics had shown that students who wear uniforms are doing better than dress codes. More students also feel a sense of equality among each other and there are fewer judgments of others. It allows teacher quickly to identify people who do not belong in the building and limit the ways that gangs can identify themselves. School outfit provides students identity, individual spirit, and pride. Uniforms are increasing throughout different schools. School uniforms make students look more formal, and progressively affects student’s self-esteem, discipline, and safety, and develops students be more confident of what they can achieve in life.
Uniforms in high school have started to become a well-liked trend. Unfortunately, there are some parents and students that consider school uniforms a terrible idea. Some students are unable to express the way they want to look when they wear uniforms. However, there are relatively a handful of people who agree with wearing school uniforms is a good thing. My father tells me this all the time, “Schools that make you wear uniforms makes the students more successful” (Hall). Since I can remember I have worn uniforms since I was in kindergarten. In my opinion uniforms are great thing a schools could enforce upon students. Wearing school uniforms would be the best thing for students’ because school is a place for education; therefore, uniforms
In society today, school-age children are under tremendous pressure to fit in with their peers and still perform well academically. I believe that school uniforms in pre-K through high school levels is an excellent way to help children succeed not only in school, but to prepare them for college and the “real world.” Three reasons why I believe school uniforms should be used in all schools is first, they are economic, next, they reduce distractions and finally, they help with social equality.
At the beginning of the 20th century almost no parent or faculty had any concerns with how students dressed to attend school. Nowadays, though, this is a giant concern among students, parents, and school board officials. Many arguments have been made over the matter saying uniforms should be required and enforced in schools. But, uniforms should not be required as they ultimately eliminate freedom of expression, promote conformity over individuality, may have a detrimental effect on students self image, emphasize the socioeconomic divisions they are supposed to eliminate, and lastly, school uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by adding an extra expense for families.
Worrying more about others, rather than themselves, students pay more attention to the appearance of their peers instead of their academics. To begin, if school uniforms became apart of the school policy, students’ academics would improve phenomenally. Hanley noted that “The reason for the policy [was] to further improve ascending test scores and provide a safe, comfortable learning environment” (A1+). Clearly, school administrators wanted to improve test scores, and they figured if students dressed the same, then they would have no other choice but to focus on their school work. If the students can concentrate on their school work, then they will have high self- esteem. Furthermore, Valdez believes that school uniforms, positively, will change student academics: “… [they] decrease self consciousness and increase self esteem...” (14). Reasonable and realistic, students who feel better about themselves will succeed in school rather than those who have poor self-esteem. Not only do school uniforms encourage students to have a better attitude about themselves, but they also change the environment in which students learn....
By requiring school uniforms in public schools, education will be improved. A dress code will enforce discipline toward learning. Uniforms improve a person’s outlook toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer distractions, students see the school as a workplace for teaching and learning. Students also have less stress in their lives because they are not in a fashion competition. Dress codes also lead to a change in grades. Mainly this happens because the student’s attendance comes up. There is also a change in grades because it is easier to focus when everyone looks alike.
School uniforms lack effectiveness. They don’t help fix any problems. Many believe that school uniforms take away the students distraction towards clothes and appearance and enhance academic performance. However, it does not take a genius to realize that wearing a uniform does not automatically make a student more attentive or hard-working. There may be several other reasons as to why a student lacks focus or is distracted. Those reasons may include problems at home, with other students or even with teachers. Schools should do everything they can to help students with those proble...
School uniforms are a boiling conversation point these days. There are so many well-built points of view about what route parents, students, and superintendents wish to go in. It has been disputed that school uniforms have the potential to make a school safer, that uniforms reduce harassment or self-esteem issues, and that uniforms return the focus to the students' learning. I disagree. I, in fact think that school uniforms do not help make our schools a more secure place, I think that they do not revisit the center of attention to student's education - they just shifted where the attention was previous, and that they won’t help cut down on harassment or self- esteem issues in school.
Magazines and other media sources have converted teens’ priorities from their dedication to acquire knowledge into obsession over the latest trends. To combat this, educational institutions have begun to patrol the way the students dress. However, with the copious amounts of apparel available, it is impossible for teachers to govern each student’s attire using identical standards. In addition, personal judgement and perspective from teacher to teacher varies, perpetuating inequality amongst students. The solution to this problem is simple: replace strict dress codes with those that require consistent appearances. Uniforms allow students to focus on learning while promoting safety and professionalism, along with aiding each household economically.
Should school uniforms be required? Some say that uniforms help students focus on academics instead of fashion. Others believe that students should have the freedom to choose what they wear to school in order to express their differences and their uniqueness. After considering both sides of the issue, I strongly believe that uniforms should be introduced in primary public and private schools. Wearing school uniforms does not promote unfair comparisons between student’s incomes in terms of clothing; they aid students in developing their inner qualities instead of focusing on the outer aspects of themselves in the crucial earlier years of their lives, and provides a platform for practicing discipline.
All individuals struggle with discovering who they are and who they may want to be in the future. School environment, either negatively or positively, impacts the result of this greatly. Uniforms in the learning environment have become a highly debated subject all across the country. Although some individuals believe school uniforms have a positive affect, those people should understand the negatives because uniforms promote appearance over character, lower student’s self-esteem, and conflict with the right of expression.