Unhealthy Eating: Poem Analysis

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For 14 days, I had to give up unhealthy eating. As a college student, I eat junk food and sugary snacks a few times throughout the day. It all started off with me preparing food for the next day in order to not buy any junk food or snacks. The first couple of days, there were some instances when I had seen snacks that I wanted but I managed to distract myself without hesitation. In my blog “FUDGE? Did you mean CHOCOLATE FUDGE?” I wrote, “I haven’t had trouble giving up unhealthy eating so far.”

However, the weekend came, and working at a restaurant, food was all around me. In “I. Need. Drugs.” I wrote, “The day started off pretty well .... but then I had to go to work and everything went downhill.” My shift was about 8 hours long, and my stomach growled quite a few times during. I see food being delivered to the tables every time I’m at work, and what that normally means to me is tracking the status of each table and where they are at in their dining experience. This time around, I was seeing ingredients and smelling the food, rather than the former.

Mid-way through my journey, I let my weakness get the best of me. I cheated and ate a piece of sugary peanut butter chocolate. My stomach hurt me afterwards, maybe because I ate the chocolate, but more likely because I wanted it to. I wrote …show more content…

In order for it to become alive, you have to architect something. You start by building the foundations, then you go on to creating the exterior, and eventually furnish the the interior. This is how your identity is created and developed. You are born with an identity (which is the empty piece of land), but there’s more to it than just a face, a body and a name. You are given a space to fill with characteristics. And it’s up to you whether you want to fool around and leave a mess, or create a room, a house, or a castle. Pieces of empty land are all the same when they’re bare. What each person builds is what distinguishes one

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