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Impact of attachment at developmental stages
Impact of attachment at developmental stages
Factors affecting attachment in children
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Developmental Issues That Impede Healthy Attachment in Infancy There are numerous obstacles which may impede healthy attachment from developing during infancy. Healthy attachment during infancy occurs when an emotional bond is formed between parent and child. “It begins before birth solidifies by age 1, and influences relationships throughout life” (Berger, 2011). Chapter five discusses the topic Necessary and Possible Experiences as it relates to brain development which is essential for healthy attachment in infants. Therefore, in order for proper development to materialize it is necessary that the infant is exposed to the basic expected experience which allows for normal brain maturation. Brain maturation as it relates to unhealthy attachment may correlate with dependent experiences due to the particular person or environment that the infant interacts with. Dependent experiences may prove advantageous to forming healthy attachments for language development and emotional stability in infancy. However, in relation to contributing to unhealthy attachment dependent experiences may contribute to how babies interpret and respond to their environment. “Particular experiences vary, such as which language babies hear, what faces they see, or how their mother reacts …show more content…
to frustration”(Berger, 2011). In connection with these variables the infant’s brain is formed and linked whether it is a contributing factor for unhealthy attachment or not. Chapter five delves further into the Implications for Caregiver as relates to obstacles encounter during infancy which may contribute to unhealthy attachment.
For survival and growth it is essential that infants receive affection and regular interaction in order to ensure proper development and healthy attachment. Implications that impede healthy attachment are often the result lack of attention and stimulation from parent to child bonding. “This means that caressing a newborn, talking to a preverbal infant, and showing affection towards a toddler is essential for development” (Berger, 2011). To ensure that infants develop heathy attachments as oppose to unhealthy ones much lies with the care giver of the
child. Another implication that can impede healthy attachment is how social impulses foster infant language in terms of development. This is discuss in detail in chapter six of the text where it states that social-pragmatic correlates with communication. “According to this perspective, infants communicate because humans are social being” (Berger, 2011). This statement suggest that even at an early age the desire for infants to communicate is innately felt. Depending on numerous factors contributing to development in infancy how an obstacle that prevents healthy attachment often starts with indirect communication. Indirect communication occurs when learning association is taught through a video tape. Although an infant may be able to associate what they have learned from a video tape the learning curve deviates. According to the text which states that “In a controlled experiment, 1 year- olds learned vocabulary much better when someone taught them” (Berger, 2011). Another factor to be consider which may contribute to obstacles regarding healthy attachment is the lack of synchrony between caregiver and infant. Synchrony is defined as a series of rapid responses between parent and infant. The lack of synchrony between infant and caregiver may often result in an unhealthy attachment whereas emotions and responses expresses are minimal or non-existent due to the caregiver’s lack of attention. The result of lack of synchrony and its consequences for healthy attachment may result in the still-face technique. “An experimental practice in which an adult keeps his/her face unmoving and expressionless in face to face interaction with an infant” (Berger, 2011).
Relationships are the building block for personality and are significant in children’s ability to grow into substantial individuals who can thrive in an often harsh world. Constructing lasting and fulfilling relationships is an integral part to development as the interpersonal bonds forged are not only highly sought after but also set the ground work for all upcoming expressive interactions. Relationships and attachment go hand in hand as attachment is the strong and lasting linkage established between a child and his or her caregiver. Moreover, attachment significantly influences a large capacity of ones make up as it these first relationships that teaches morals, builds self-esteem, and develops a support system. The pioneers of Attachment Theory realized early on that human beings are not solely influenced by drives but that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers greatly impact their ability to forge lasting relationships later in life. John Bowlby was first to introduce this theory to the masses in the 1950’s, and later Mary Ainsworth conducted further research to expand on Bowlby’s theory which proclaims that attachment is a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings” (Bowlby, 1969, p. 194). The attachment bond theory by both Bowlby and Ainsworth focuses on the significance of the relationship between babies and their caretakers which research has suggested is accountable for influencing impending interactions, firming or injuring our capabilities to concentrate, being aware of our emotional states, self-soothing capabilities, and the capacity to be resilient in the face of hardship. Additionally, this research has provided a framework for assisting in describing these att...
In conclusion, the associations within infant’s temperament and maternal sensitivity holds the most significance in the development of the attachment in comparison with the considerations that maternal and infants’ characteristics are independent factors and the contribution in attachment that mainly comes from the mother. Therefore, instead of the endlessly debating between whether the antecedents of attachment are independent of each other, the focal point should be that of the acknowledgement between the correlation of infant temperament and attachment.
The Strange Situation, in which infants are exposed to eight different episodes involving the mother and/or a stranger, is widely used to test attachments, although there are many different views regarding its validity and reliability. In order for the Strange Situation to be considered reliable, a child tested at different times should produce the same reaction every time; this was supported by Main, Kapland and Cassidy’s 1985 study which found that 100% of infants who had been securely attached before 18 months were still securely attached at 6 years, and 75% of those who had been anxious-avoidant remained so. One interpretation of attachment type (based on the Strange Situation) is that it is a fixed characteristic and therefore cannot be changed, but if there is a change in family circumstances this is often not the case. Attachments to mothers and fathers have been proven to be independent – Main and Weston (1981) found that children reacted differently depending on which parent they were with. This shows that the attachment types shown by the Strange Situation are based on qualities of distinct relationships as opposed to a child’s characteristics.
The attachment theory, presented by Mary Ainsworth in 1969 and emerged by John Bowlby suggests that the human infant has a need for a relationship with an adult caregiver, and without a subsequent, development can be negatively impacted (Hammonds 2012). Ainsworth proposes that the type of relationship and “attachment” an infant has with the caregiver, can impact the social development of the infant. As stated by Hammonds (2012), attachment between a mother and a child can have a great impact on the child 's future mental
The results of the study claimed that the attachments developed over time and goes through four stages. From birth to six weeks it’s the Pre-attachment or Indiscriminate phase, the infants respond to all stimuli in the same ways and so does not have certain attachments or preferences about who they were with, towards the end of the stage the child begins to show a preference for social stimuli (e.g. smiling). Between six weeks to six months it’s the Discriminating phase, they become extremely sociable with anybody, cl...
An infant’s initial contact with the world and their exploration of life is directly through the parent/ primary caregiver. As the child grows, learns, and develops, a certain attachment relationship forms between them and the principle adult present in this process. Moreover, this attachment holds huge implications concerning the child’s future relationships and social successes. Children trust that their parental figure will be there; as a result, children whom form proper attachments internalize an image of their world as stable, safe, and secure. These children will grow independent while at the same time maintaining a connection with their caregivers. (Day, 2006). However, when a child f...
The attachment process plays a crucial role in a child’s development and their future impact on society According to Dr Suzanne Zeedyk. Children can’t feel relaxed and safe with the adults & children in the nursery until they get to know them. If there’s a lack of affection towards a child they may be reluctant to take advantage of all the learning opportunities because of their anxiety. We now know that relationships literally shape the neural connections in young children’s brains. This means everything that happens or doesn’t happen for the child will leaves a physiological trace in their growing brain. According to Dr Suzanne
For example, Magai & Passman (1997) discovered a strong relationship between secure attachments and emotional well-being of middle aged adults, which extends to individuals later in life. Understanding the role of attachment and its psychosocial impact during later life is an important area that needs further research. In regards to TMT, close relationships offer security, protection, and give meaning to life (Mikulincer, Florian, & Hirschberger, 2003).
Infant attachment is the first relationship that occurs between infants and their mothers or other primary caregivers (Craig & Dunn, 2010). The mother-infant attachment begins at birth and is considered by a group of...
The attachment style that a child endures with their mother initially begins before the child is even born. In the mother’s womb, the infant becomes aware of their mother and father’s voices, where they begin to develop a bond with them and feel nurtured and comforted by the things they hear their parents sing and speak to them. According to Bowlby, the development of attachment takes place in four different phases and are reinforced as they grow older from the Preattachment (birth to age 6 weeks), attachment-in-the-making (age 6 weeks to 8 months), clear cut attachment (between 8 months to 1 ½ years of age) and the reciprocal relationship (from 1 ½ or 2 and on). As the child grows older, then begin to understand their parent’s feelings and motives and are able to organize their efforts and reciprocate the same i...
Infant attachment is the first relationship a child experiences and is crucial to the child’s survival (BOOK). A mother’s response to her child will yield either a secure bond or insecurity with the infant. Parents who respond “more sensitively and responsively to the child’s distress” establish a secure bond faster than “parents of insecure children”. (Attachment and Emotion, page 475) The quality of the attachment has “profound implications for the child’s feelings of security and capacity to form trusting relationships” (Book). Simply stated, a positive early attachment will likely yield positive physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development for the child. (BOOK)
Attachment patterns of a child are developed by the use of strange situation protocol where the attachment of a child is assessed between 12 months and 20 months of the child development. This procedure is not clinical and is used only to supplement the clinical diagnosis procedure called Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), which will be discussed at a later stage of this essay. In the strange situation protocol, a child, and the caregiver are put in an environment with varying conditions and the attachment behaviour of the child is observed. Through this protocol there are there organized attachment categories, which are observed in a child, which include secure attachment, avoidant/attachment and resistant/
In this era of globalization, news reporting is no longer just a means of communications, but it has also developed into a tool for change. Prominent journalists like Julian Assange, Nick Davies, Sir Charles Wheeler and many more has changed the landscape and outcomes of information, war and news reporting itself. But Martin Bell has challenged the fundamentals of journalism that is to be balanced and impartial with what he calls ‘Journalism of Attachment’. He even coined the phrase, ‘bystanders’ journalism’ for continuing the tradition of being distant and detached (Bell 1997), which he criticizes “for focusing with the circumstances of violence, such as military formations, weapons, strategies, maneuvers and tactics” (Gilboa 2009, p. 99). Therefore it is the aim of this essay to explain whether it is ethical for reporters to practice what Martin Bell calls the Journalism of Attachment by evaluating its major points and its counterarguments, and assessing other notions of journalism such as peace journalism.
(Hill, C., Weinraub, M., and Hirsh-Pasek, K. 2001) It’s always important that the parents of the child show affection and reassure their child of their love. End Nurturance and love does not between the parent and child, it’s merely enhanced by the use of
Just as the brain allows us to see, smell, taste, think, talk, and move, it is the organ that allows us to love — or not. The systems in the human brain that allow us to form and maintain emotional relationships develop during infancy and the first years of life. Experiences during this early vulnerable period of life are critical to shaping the capacity to form intimate and emotionally healthy relationships. Empathy, caring, sharing, inhibition of aggression, capacity to love, and a host of other characteristics of a healthy, happy, and productive person are related to the core attachment capabilities which are formed in infancy and early