Understanding Mental Health: The Importance Of Mental Health

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Mental health is viewed as a deviance in the eyes of society, instead of seeing the importance of mental health and the effects that it has on a person. This paper will examine the importance of how medication can help a mental illness physically but not mentally and how society would rather push medication than alternative measures. It will also examine how society intertwines the action of deviance as having a mental illness, instead of understanding that mental illness can cause deviance behaviors, mental illness is not a deviance behavior all on its own. The paper will focus on the importance of society knowing and understanding mental illness medically, socially, and behavioral and the complexity that mental health as on a person. …show more content…

There are studies being conducted on certain ranges of mental health so more information on mental health can be used to better understand mental disorders and the importance of mental health. With the expanding of the knowledge of this field, they are finding and creating a medication that can help with certain mental disorders, and are able to diagnosis a mental disorder better. Medicine can help and cure so many illnesses and diseases which is why doctors are more often to medicate the patient as the only form of treatment. Nowadays psychiatry has shifted much of its attention away from the use of psychotherapy and group therapy and towards genetic explanations of mental disorders and drug-based cures …show more content…

Patients who had good insights and who also did not perceive much stigmatization appeared to do best on use of various outcome parameters while those who those with poor insights were found to have problems with service engagement and medication compliance(). This is a good example of how the stigma of medication causes people to not want to take their medication or get therapy treatment because they do not want to appear as a freak. People who do go to therapy or are medicated have a higher chance of becoming more confident and healthier at

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