Nutrition is important to understand because it is a significant contributor to the health and wellness of a human being. Nutrition can determine the weight of a person, the performance of organs and the body’s ability to prevent or accelerate certain diseases. Health and nutrition can be influenced by several factors such as family, friends, peers as well as physical and mental stress. As a young child, the immediate family is the biggest influence on nutrition because they are the first role models and establish the initial habits that the individual will develop. Through daily meal plans given to children, they can develop a standard of care in regard to nutrition and then incorporate key food groups into their daily diet. A child’s exposure to cooking habits and nutrition values could significantly contribute to the overall health and well being of the child in their later years. Therefore a person’s eating habits can effect their weight and well being. A persons view on nutrition changes over time through knowledge gained about food and its nutrition. A person also can become cognitive in how their diet influences their body, by altering weight or causing internal problems. Through time one can use food as a therapy because it makes them feel better, it relieves stress and it occupies their time. Balancing three specific nutrients, protein, fats, and fiber, which are major parts of a nutritional diet and can play a major role in a persons overall success in their health.
Some fats are good for a person's health where other types can be detrimental. Fats are micronutrients which help the body regulate body functions as well as protect organs (Shulman, 2010, pg. 49). Omega-three fatty acids are found in enriched e...
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...Fiber on a winning streak. (2011). Harvard Health Letter, 36(11), 7. Retrieved
Kadey, M. (2006). Cracking up: Descrambling the evil egg myths. Alive: Canada’s Natural Health & Wellness Magazine, (283), 102. Retrieved from www.cinah
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Rossi, J. (2005). Proper protein portions: How much is enough. Alive: Canada’s
Natural Health & Wellness Magazine, (275), 120-121. Retrieved from www.c
Shulman, J. (2010). Fats get a bad rap. Alive: Canada's Natural Health & Wellness Magazine, (335), 49-53. Retrieved from jid=2705&accno=2010778603
Ankle sprains have three degrees of injury ranging from 1-3. The level of the ankle sprain is determined by the amount that the ligament is torn or stretched. A grade one sprain is categorized as a slight stretching and damage to the fibers of the ligament. A grade 2 sprain is characterized as partial tearing of the ligament and abnormal laxity of the ankle. A grade 3 sprain is characterized by complete tear of the ligament if it can be pushed or pulled in certain movements there is gross instability. The movements of the ankle are abduction, adduction, plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, and inversion, eversion. The ligaments of the ankle hold the ankle bones and joint into position. These ligaments protect the ankle joint from abnormal movements such as twisting, turning, and rolling of the foot.
• Wear the splint, brace, or sling as told by your health care provider. Remove it only as told by your health care
... and can lock the joints in painful positions. Often, teens are fitted with special braces to ensure flexible joints and tendons (the strong, rubber band-like tissues that attach muscles to bones). Surgery is sometimes used to reduce pain and increase movement from contractures.
...heat the prosthetic up and push the mold in or out. Once he has the fitting right on the patient, he will then have the patient walk again. This time he will look to see if it is balanced or not. He will also ask the patient if anything fells off to them. He will then toe it in or toe it out to straighten the foot. After this, the prosthetic should be set for the patient, but the patient will still come in for more adjustments if needed.
...e foot, asks the athlete exactly what happened and is informed that there was a ‘snapping’ noise heard at the time of injury. Due to swelling it would be difficult to palpate the joint line if the ankle, but there is pain on palpation. The therapist will direct the athlete to perform active movements of the ankle; the movements were not produced by the athlete due to the amount of pain. The next step is to get the athlete off of the pitch safely. Due to the lack of active movement there will be hesitation to apply full pressure on the ankle and the unusual positioning it would be best for the therapist to splint the ankle with a SAM splint and then remove from the pitch according to the EAP(see appendix 1&4) (Wilkerson, A.J. etal (2010).
Bunions are a foot deformity called hallux valgus; which is Latin for the great toe turning outwards (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, 2012). This deformity causes the great toe to press against the second metatarsal and forces the toe to intertwine. This movement prevents the bone to grow straight. As this movement ...
It is estimated that about forty-three million children under the age of ten are obese and that was found in urban areas. One of the main reasons obesity develops is due to the fact that the child, adolescent or adult has an unhealthy diet. Good nutrition plays a huge part in everyone’s life; no matter if you’re a male or female good nutrition is always important. Keeping us healthy, nutrition reduces the risks of developing diseases such as chronic disease, stroke and also cancer. Good nutrition is also important because studies have shown that it is good for mental health including depression which is also linked to obesity. A proper diet consists of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, fiber foods and limiting fats or sugars. Eating fruits and vegetables is important when developing into an adolescent or an adult because vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C, also fibers and potassium which are excellent for the human body (Fuentes, Schellekens, Dinan, & Cryan, 2015, p. 52). Vitamins and fibers help the human body by shaping our bones, helping immune systems, and healing certain
It is estimated that one million people visit a physician for ankle injuries. In sports, 10 to 30 percent of athletes suffer from ankle sprains. Ankle sprains will be further investigated through five topics. The five topics on ankle sprains will be a clear definition with causes, the different types, prevention, treatment, and ankle sprains in sports……………………..
protection. The top of the boot should be stiff to hold the ankle in place
The food pyramids are basically an outline of what you should eat during the day that is healthy. Knowing what you eat is important because nutrition requires a well-balanced diet containing nutrients and vitamins and if you don?t eat healthy then you can acquire diseases and dietary disorders. The new food pyramid tells you that you should include whole grains and plant oils in most meals because if you include plant oils and whole grains in most meals it reduces the rate of heart diseases & whole grains contain Vitamin B and Vitamin B is essential for growth, the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and they are also essential for the nervous system. Vegetables should be eaten abundantly because vegetables contain the mineral magnesium which relaxes your nerves and muscles, builds and strengthens bones, and keeps you blood circulating at a constant pace. You s...
Good fats are found in nuts, avocados, olives, seeds and healthy oils like olive oil, flaxseed, and sesame.
Holistic nutrition is increasingly becoming popular in healthcare practice due to the growing detoxification culture amongst the people with the aim of improving individual health. Consumption of toxic elements toxifies the body, the consumption of processed food products is the primary cause of diseases amongst the people. There is increased use of Holistic Nutrition by both healthy people and people with health conditions with the aim of achieving optimum body function and health. The increased use of holistic nutrition in the community improves health outcomes and reduces poor health outcomes that are caused by poor lifestyle choices of using processed food products. Holistic nutrition provides a natural approach of ensuring positive health
A child’s proper growth depends greatly on their nutrition and health. A healthy diet is essential to the developing child. Food should never be used to reward, punish, or bribe a child. Instead children should have three healthy meals with snacks in between. It is also important for children to have good self care behaviors (including bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth), and adequate sleep.
...ts. It is important to understand which substances need to be consumed more than others and also why the body needs to consume a substance. Proper diet and nutrition is a vital component to a long and healthy life.
People is always asking: “Why is important to have a balanced diet? Why is necessary to have a balanced diet on a daily basis? And why do professionals tend to recommend a balanced diet?” The human being has essential needs to its existence: breathing, feeding, and keeping the body in constant movement. The majority of the people are aware of this, but they do not have a balance among these things and even more important they do not eat the adequate food to keep their body healthy. Food is one of the most important factors because it gives the energy the body needs daily. In other words, few words food is the fuel that provides glucose, which is carried to each cell of the body through the bloodstream. This process is extremely important and this is influenced by the type of food that each person consumes. A balanced diet is important for human beings, and makes reference to a good nutrition with regard to the food they eat; which contains macro nutrients that are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; these provide energy and basic materials that the body uses to grow and stay healthy.