Uncertainty In Albert Camus The Myth Of Sisyphus

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Ever since civilizations began forming around 3,500 B.C (TimeMaps), there has been a gradual formation of social hierarchies. As humanity advanced, the progression of more needs was met, and the emphasis on knowledge and understanding of existence became more important. Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. The prominent question of its study is to interpret the meaning of our existence. In recent times, a philosopher named Albert Camus won the Nobel Prize for his literary essay, "The Myth of Sisyphus." In this article, Camus brought to light many theories, but the central question posed was, “Proceeding from the premise that, in light of the apparent purposelessness of life, suicide is the only truly serious philosophical problem" (Ward 80). This statement gives an explanation behind the fundamental motivation behind our existence. You can theorize that, by living in an irrational world (Uncertainty), obstacles are inevitable, but to construct our viewpoint about them gives us ultimate control of navigating it.
In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus …show more content…

We can only change our mindsets. The realization that we live in a mechanized world that has no purpose impacts our search for personal meaning.In Learning to Read by Malcolm X, he explains how being incarcerated for seven years positively impacted his life. He describes his prison sentence as seven years spent behind the bars, but, to him, it was a million words written in his tablet. He led an epistemological approach to understanding his ethnicity and other minorities' social standing in society at this time. Even though he was physically imprisoned, he states, “I never had been so truly free in my life" (Learning to Read 2). It's ironic considering he was not “free” in the outside world at this time period either. He turned his “negative” experience into a coping mechanism to negotiate the absurd world with which he was

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