Ugg Case Summary

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1. The correlation coefficient between crop yields and UGG’s grain shipments is 0.8814.

2. Although it is expensive to reduce the weather risk exposure, there are several reasons as to how it will benefit UGG’s diversified shareholders. For starters, reducing the risk exposure helps to avoid costly financial distress. Due to the positive correlation of weather and grain shipments, a negative effect on the grain volume will cause a direct negative effect on the bottom line. Total losses would be very high if something occurred during the grain transit. And since most of the earnings at risk would be weather related, there would be a high frequency of losses with pretty severe outcomes.

By reducing their risk, UGG’s shareholders are also reducing the variance in their cash flows, thereby making them less financially distressed. This allows them to be able to invest without having to come up with external capital, i.e. loans. Since they are getting new grain elevators, this is a great way for the firm to avoid the costs associated with raising external capital. The less amount of loans UGG has, the less debt that they have, and their debt ratio remains low. This makes them more attractive to better rates when they do have to get loans. …show more content…

Because of their size, when the demand for producing specific genetically engineered crops arises, as analysts are predicting. With less financial distress, UGG can obtain more contracts with suppliers and customers and can shift the costs to

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