Types Of Shot In Basketball

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In basketball, the aim of the game is to pass the ball into the ring in order to score a goal. When a basketball player wants to get points, he or she does use multiple shot techniques such as the jump shot, the lay-up and the free-throw. The most commonly used technique to score goals is the jump shot. This technique is a shot at the basket made by a player releasing the ball at the highest point of a leap. This shot has three phases; the preparation phase, execution phase and the follow through phase.

In the preparation phase is taken place in a sagittal plane. The knees and hips are flexed prior to the extension. It pre-stretches the muscles that contracts in the jump. From an upright standing position at….. degree angle, the player initiates a decelerating downward movement where the abdominals are contracted to …….degree angle. The downward motion flexes the hips by eccentric contraction in the gluteus maximus, semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, and Biceps Femoris. In this downward movement, the knees are flexed causing a concentric contraction at ……… degrees on the Rectus Femoris, Vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and vastus lateralis. The flexed knee also causes an eccentric contraction on the hamstring on the bicep femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus. Whilst the lower body is in a bend position, the upper body such as the shoulder girdle are elevated. The scapulothoracic is elevated by the levator scapulae, rhomboids and the middle fibers of the trap while the shoulder joint muscles are flexed by isometric contraction by the flexors of the anterior fibers of the deltoid, pectoralis major and coracobrachialis. As the individual holds the ball and moves into this crouched position, the elbow are flexed at degree ...

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...he Achilles tendinitis is a cumulative injury where the tendon is inflamed due to the many tiny tears it occurred overtime. Another type of cumulative injury that could happen through this jump-shot is patellar tendonitis .This is where excessive jumping or landing strains patella tendon, which is attaches the bottom of the patella to the top of the tibia. If continually strained, the lesions occurring in the tendon can exceed the rate of repair.

If the individual landed in unbalanced position from the jump-shot it could result to an acute injury known as an ankle sprain. The sprain ankle is caused an inversion-type twist of the foot in the anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular, and posterior talofibular ligaments.

A to prevent these injuries is to use a proper technique in landing. This could be done to land in a proper stance were feet are set width apart.

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