Types Of Criminology

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1. There are 6 subareas that make up the criminological enterprise. The first is criminal statistics/crime measurement which is how much crime occurs; specifics such as how often, who commits these crimes, and time and place. They use a valid and reliable measurement to compute stats such as, criminal activity not reported to the police or to test a theory on whether a person’s socioeconomic status determines higher crime rates. Another subarea is sociology of law/law and society, socio-legal studies which is the legislative view on criminology and how research is used to determine if there should be new laws in place for certain things such as obscenity or viewing pornography. This was a way for criminologist to try to understand how things such as, rape and murder evolve. The third subarea is theoretical criminology which is in short what causes crime. In this view it is interpreted in both a psychological (development, social learning, etc.) and sociological (social forces; i.e., poverty, neighborhood conditions, etc.) orientation view which in this subarea may use methods to test this theory. A fourth subarea is crime typologies which explain types and patterns of crimes. Research is done to understand other crimes such as terrorism or business related crimes such as, white collar crimes to determine the underlying reasons or causes of those crimes. A fifth subarea of criminology is penology which is the punishment of criminals. There are some who feel criminals should spend a mandated time in prison or be put to death (capital punishment). Others who are were once criminals or may have experience crimes first hand try to find ways to treat criminals known as rehabilitation. The last subarea is victimology which is how a victi...

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...al abnormality is another contributor of rape, in which a mental disease or personality disorder is to blame. It is said that most serial rapists are those who have some type of illness. Social learning, says that the people and the environment you are in causes violent behavior such as rape. The more you are around people who are aggressive and forcible to women the more likely you are to repeat that behavior. Or someone who you may have seen or been a victim yourself of sexual assault. Sexual motivation is the last cause that can contribute to rape in which a young offender and older offender have different sexual motivation. It is said the intent of the younger offender is that pure sexual gratification and some sort of "feeling" for their victim, verses an older offender in which he chooses young victims for "power and control" so the threat of harm is greater.

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